Department 110

Department for physics of semiconductors

Department for physics of semiconductors is the largest institute’s departments. The department employs over 60 people, including undergraduate and graduate students. The main research activities of the departmentare the physical basis for the development of near-IR silicon optoelectronics and the studing of terahertz range using semiconductor nanostructures.



Head of the department

Gavrilenko Vladimir Izyaslavovich, Dr. Sci.

Solid state spectroscopy

Head of the laboratory

Z. F. Krasilnik, Dr. Sci.

Physics of semiconductor heterostructures and superlattices

Head of the laboratory

S. V. Morozov, PhD in Physics

Physics of semiconductor lasers on hot charges

Head of the laboratory

V. N. Shastin, Dr. Sci.

Laboratory of molecular beam epitaxy of semiconductor heterostructures

Head of the laboratory

A. V. Novikov, PhD in Physics

Materials prepared for the twentieth anniversary of the institute


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