Scientific departments
Department for physics of semiconductors (110)
Head of the departmentPhone: +7 (831) 417 9462, |
Department for physics of superconductivity (120)
Head of the departmentPhone: (831) 417−94−95 |
Multilayer X-ray optics department (130)
Head of the departmentPhone: +7 (831) 417 9475 |
Department for technology of nanostructures and devices (140)
Head of the department
Phone: +7 (831) 417−94−92 |
Magnetic nanostructures department (150)
Head of the departmentPhone: +7 (831) 417 9451, |
Terahertz spectroscopy department (160)
Head of the departmentPhone: +7 (831) 417 9457, |
Common Research Center «Physics and technology of micro- and nanostructures» (170)
Head of the centerNovikov Alexey
Phone: +7 (831) 417−94−80, E-mail: |
Laboratory of Foundations of Nanoelectronic Component Base of Information Technologies (181)
Head of the departmentтел. (831) 417 9485 |