Gavrilenko Vladimir
Deputy director of the IPM RAS, head of the Department on physics of semiconductors, head of the laboratory «Physics of semiconductor heterostructures and superlattices», Dr. Sci., Professor.
Laureate of the USSR state prize in science and technology, 1987.
Personal data
Born on December 15, 1951.
Scientific interests
Terahertz response of a two-dimensional semiconductor systems, cyclotron resonance, shallow impurities, quantum cascade lasers, Thz detectors, hot carriers, collective and spin-dependent phenomena in quantum wells based on narrow gap and gapless semiconductors.
Faculty of general and applied physics of Moscow physical-technical Institute.
- 1969 — 1975 — studied at Moscow physical-technical Institute;
- 1975 — 1978 — post-graduate studies at MIPT;
- 1978 — PhD in Physiscs (thesis — «Study of magnetoplasmon resonance in electron-hole droplets in germanium»);
- 1978 — 1983 — junior research associate of IAP RAS;
- 1983 — 1992 — senior research associate of IAP RAS;
- 1992 — doctor of physical and mathematical sciences (thesis — «Absorption and emission of far infrared electromagnetic radiation in hot holes in germanium»);
- 1992 — 1993 — head of laboratory of the IAP RAS;
- 1994 — 2008 — scientific secretary, head of the laboratory of IPM RAS;
- 2007 — academic title of Professor on the specialty «physics of semiconductors»;
- 2008 — 2009 — head of laboratory of the IPM RAS;
- 2009 — 2015 — Deputy director, head of department, head of laboratory of the IPM RAS.
- 2015 — present — Acting director, head of department of the IPM RAS.
Educational activity
Pedagogical activity
- 1986 — 1991 — associate professor of the base chair of Electrophysics of the physico-technical faculty of the Gorky Polytechnic Institute in IAP RAS;
- 1990 — 1992 — associate Professor, заведующий филиалом кафедр электроники твердого тела и теоретической физики факультета прикладной физики и микроэлектроники ННГУ им.
Н. И. Лобачевского в ИПФ АН СССР; - 1992 — present — professor of the Advanced school of general and applied physics of the University of Nizhny Novgorod.
PhD supervisor
- 1990 — Nikonorov Vyacheslav Vasil’evich «Investigation of mechanisms of induced radiation of hot holes in Ge using their absorption and emission in the millimeter and submillimeter waveranges.
- 1995 — Korotkov Andrey Lenoktovich «Detection of infrared and millimeter radiation with bolometers based on YbaCuO».
- 2000 — Moldavskaya Maria Davidovna «Submillimeter spectroscopy of charge carriers in the strained Ge/GeSi heterostructures».
- 2003 — Kozlov Dmitry Vladimirovich «Localized and resonant states of shallow acceptors in strained semiconductor heterostructures and uniaxially stressed germanium».
- 2006 — Erofeev Irina Viktorovna «Submillimeter photoconductivity in low-dimensional semiconductor heterostructures».
- 2006 — Ikonnikov Anton Vladimirovich «Cyclotron resonance and impurity magnetoabsorption in quantim well heterostructures».
- 2007 — Maremyanin Kirill Vladimirovich «Generation and detection of terahertz radiation in А3В5 semiconductor nanostructures».
- 2008 — Spirin Kirill Evgenevich «Magnetotransport and terahertz response in the two-dimensional semiconductor nanostructures».
- 2011 — Krishtopenko Sergei Sergeevich «Spin and collective effects in InAs/AlSb quantum well heterostructures».
- 2014 — Lastovkin Artem Anantol’evich «Study of the spectra of pulsed quantum cascade terahertz lasers and their application to spectroscopy of heterostructures based on HgTe/CdTe quantum well»
- 2014 — Rumyantsev Vladimir Vladimirovich «Photoconductivity and photoluminescence of epitaxial films and structures with quantum wells based on HgCdTe in the middle and far infrared range»
- Effect of electron-electron interaction on cyclotron resonance in high-mobility InAs/AlSb quantum wells / S. S. Krishtopenko, A. V. Ikonnikov, M. Orlita, Yu. G. Sadofyev, M. Goiran, F. Teppe, W. Knap, V. I. Gavrilenko. // J. Appl. Phys. 117, 112813 (2015).
Long wavelength superluminescence from narrow gap HgCdTe epilayer at 100K / S.V.Morozov, V.V.Rumyantsev, A.A.Dubinov, A.V.Antonov, A.M.Kadykov, K.E.Kudryavtsev, D.I.Kuritsin, N.N.Mikhailov, S.A.Dvoretskii, V.I.Gavrilenko // Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 042105 (2015).
- Detection of Terahertz Radiation by Dense Arrays of InGaAs Transistors / D.M.Yermolayev, E.A.Polushkin, S.Yu.Shapoval, V.V.Popov, K.V.Marem'yanin, V.I.Gavrilenko, N.A.Maleev, V.M.Ustinov, V.E.Zemlyakov, V.I.Yegorkin, V.A.Bespalov, A.V.Muravjov, S.L.Rumyantsev, M.S.Shur. // Int. J. High Speed Electronics and Systems, 24, Nos.1&2 1550002 (2015).
Observation of three-dimensional massless Kane fermions in a zinc-blende crystal / M. Orlita, D. M. Basko, M. S. Zholudev, F. Teppe, W. Knap, V. I. Gavrilenko, N. N. Mikhailov, S. A. Dvoretskii, P. Neugebauer, C. Faugeras, A-L. Barra, G. Martinez M. Potemski. // Nature Physics v.10, 233−238 (2014)
Efficient long wavelength interband photoluminescence from HgCdTe epitaxial films at wavelengths up to 26 μm / S.V. Morozov, V.V. Rumyantsev, A.V. Antonov, K.V. Maremyanin, K.E. Kudryavtsev, L.V. Krasilnikova, N.N. Mikhailov, S.A. Dvoretskii, V. I. Gavrilenko. // Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 072102 (2014);
- Detection of terahertz radiation by tightly concatenated InGaAs field-effect transistors integrated on a single chip / V. V. Popov, D. M. Yermolaev, K. V. Maremyanin, V. E. Zemlyakov, N. A. Maleev, V. I. Gavrilenko, V. A. Bespalov, V. I. Yegorkin, V. M. Ustinov, S. Yu. Shapoval. // Appl. Phys. Lett. v.104, 163508 (2014);
- Time resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy of narrow gap Hg1-xCdxTe/CdyHg1-yTe quantum well heterostructures / S. V. Morozov, V. V. Rumyantsev, A. V. Antonov, A. M. Kadykov, K. V. Maremyanin, K. E. Kudryavtsev, N. N. Mikhailov, S. A. Dvoretskii, V. I. Gavrilenko. // Appl. Phys. Lett. v.105, 022102 (2014);
- Terahertz detection in a slit-grating-gate field-effect-transistor structure / D. M. Yermolaev, K. M. Marem’yanin, D. V. Fateev, S. V. Morozov, N. A. Maleev, V. E. Zemlyakov, V. I. Gavrilenko, S. Yu. Shapoval, F. F. Sizov, and V. V. Popov // Solid State Electronics, 86C (2013), pp. 64−67.
Long spin relaxation time of holes in InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells probed by cyclotron resonance spectroscopy / O. Drachenko, D. Kozlov, A. V. Ikonnikov, K. E. Spirin, V. Gavrilenko, H. Schneider, M. Helm, and J. Wosnitza // Phys.Rev.B, Vol. 87 p. 075315 (2013).
Type II-type I conversion of GaAs/GaAsSb heterostructure energy spectrum under optical pumping / S. V. Morozov, D. I. Kryzhkov, A. N. Yablonsky, A. V. Antonov, D. I. Kuritsin, D. M. Gaponova, Yu. G. Sadofyev, N. Samal, V. I. Gavrilenko, and Z. F. Krasilnik //J. Appl. Phys. 113, 163107 (2013)
- Spectra and kinetics of THz photoconductivity in narrow-gap Hg1-xCdxTe (x<0.2) epitaxial films / V.V.Rumyantsev, S.V.Morozov, A.V.Antonov, M.S.Zholudev, K.E.Kudryavtsev, V.I.Gavrilenko, S.A.Dvoretskii, N.N.Mikhailov // Semicond. Sci. Technol., 28 125007 (2013).
Cyclotron resonance study in InAs/AlSb quantum well heterostructures with two occupied electronic subbands / S. S. Krishtopenko, A. V. Ikonnikov, A. V. Maremyanin, K. E. Spirin, V. I. Gavrilenko, Yu. G. Sadofyev, M. Goiran, M. Sadowsky, Yu. B. Vasilyev // J. Appl. Phys. — 2012. — V. 111. — P. 093711.
Cyclotron resonance in HgTe/CdTe based heterostructures in high magnetic fields / M.S.Zholudev, A.V.Ikonnikov, F. Teppe, M. Orlita, K.V.Maremyanin, K.E.Spirin, V.I.Gavrilenko, W. Knap, S.A.Dvoretskiy, N.N.Mihailov // Nanoscale Research Lett. v.7, 534 (2012).
Magnetospectroscopy of two-dimensional HgTe-based topological insulators around the critical thickness // M. Zholudev, F. Teppe, M. Orlita, C. Consejo, J. Torres, N. Dyakonova, M. Czapkiewicz, J. Wróbel, G. Grabecki, N. Mikhailov, S. Dvoretskii, A. Ikonnikov, K. Spirin, V. Aleshkin, V. Gavrilenko, W. Knap.// Phys. Rev. B v.86, 205420 (2012)
Cyclotron resonance and interband optical transitions in HgTe/CdTe (013) quantum well heterostructures / A. V. Ikonnikov, M. S. Zholudev, K. E. Spirin, A. A. Lastovkin, K. V. Maremyanin, V. Ya. Aleshkin, V. I. Gavrilenko, O. Drachenko, M. Helm, J. Wosnitza, M. Goiran, N. N. Mikhailov, S. A. Dvoretskii, F. Teppe, N. Diakonova, C. Consejo, B. Chenaud, W. Knap // Semiconductor Science and Technology. — 2011. — V. 26. N. 12. — P. 125011.
- High-responsivity terahertz detection by on-chip InGaAs/GaAs field-effect-transistor array / V. V. Popov, D. M. Ermolaev, K. V. Maremyanin, N. A. Maleev, V. E. Zemlyakov, V. I. Gavrilenko, S. Yu. Shapoval // Appl. Phys. Lett. v.98, 153504 (2011).
- Relaxation of the impurity photoconductivity in p-Ge/Ge1-xSix quantum well heterostructures / S. V. Morozov, L. V. Gavrilenko, I. V. Erofeeva, A. V. Antonov, K. V. Maremyanin, A. N. Yablonskiy, D. I. Kuritsin, E. E. Orlova V. I. Gavrilenko // Semicond. Sci. Technol. v.26, 085009 (2011).
- Modification to the central-cell correction of germanium acceptors / O. Drachenko, H. Schneider, M. Helm, D. Kozlov, V. Gavrilenko, J. Wosnitza, J. Leotin // Phys. Rev. B v.84, 245207 (2011).
Splitting of Cyclotron Resonance Line in InAs/AlSb QW Heterostructures in High Magnetic Fields: Effects of Electron-Electron and Electron-Phonon Interaction / A. Ikonnikov, S. Krishtopenko, V. Gavrilenko, Y. Sadofyev, Y. Vasilyev, M. Orlita & W. Knap // Journal of Low Temperature Physics. — 2010. — Vol. 159. N. 1−2. — P. 197−202.
High-field splitting of the cyclotron resonance absorption in strained p-InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells / O. Drachenko, D. V. Kozlov, V. Ya. Aleshkin, V. I. Gavrilenko, K. V. Maremyanin, A. V. Ikonnikov, B. N. Zvonkov, M. Goiran, J. Leotin, G. Fasching, S. Winner, H. Schneider, J. Wosnitza and M. Helm // Phys. Rev B. — 2009. — Vol. 79 .- P. 073301
- Room-temperature intracavity difference-frequency generation in butt-joint diode lasers / B. N. Zvonkov, A. A. Biryukov, A. V. Ershov, S. M. Nekorkin, V. Ya. Aleshkin, V. I. Gavrilenko, A. A. Dubinov, K. V. Maremyanin, S. V. Morozov A. A. Belyanin, V. V. Kocharovsky, Vl. V. Kocharovsky /Appl. Phys. Lett. v.92, 021122 (2008).
- Magnetic field dependence of the photoresponse time of GaAs/AlGaAs quantum Hall effect device / K. E. Spirin, S. V. Morozov, V. I. Gavrilenko, Y. Kawaguchi, S. Komiyama // Semicond. Sci. Technol. v.23095014 (2008).
2007 и ранее
- Plasma wave resonant detection of terahertz radiations by nanometric transistors / W. Knap, A. Fatimy, J. Torres, F. Teppe, М. Orlov, V. Gavrilenko //Fizika Nizkikh Temperaturv.33, Nos. 2/3, pp.388−391 (2007).
- Fano resonance study in impurity photocurrent spectra of bulk GaAs and GaAs quantum wells doped with shallow donors / V. Ya. Aleshkin, A. V. Antonov, L. V. Gavrilenko, V. I. Gavrilenko // Phys. Rev. B v.75, 125201 (2007).
- Room temperature tuneable detection of sub-terahertz radiation by plasma waves in nanometer InGaAs transistors / F. Teppe, M. Orlov, A. El Fatimy, A. Tiberj, W. Knap, J. Torres, V. Gavrilenko, A. Shchepetov, S. Bollaert // Appl. Phys. Lett. V.89, 222109 (2006).
- Characteristics of a Si dual-band detector responding in both near- and very-long-wavelength-infrared regions / G. Ariyawansa, M. B. M. Rinzan, S. G. Matsik, G. Hastings, A. G. U. Perera, H. C. Liu, M. Buchanan, G. I. Sproule, V. I. Gavrilenko, V. P. Kuznetsov // Appl. Phys. Lett. v.89, 061112 (2006).
THz spectroscopy of extremely shallow acceptors states in Ge/GeSi multiple-quantum-well heterostructures / V. Ya. Aleshkin, I. V. Erofeeva, V. I. Gavrilenko, A. V. Ikonnikov, D. V. Kozlov, O. A. Kuznetsov, D. B. Veksler // Acta Physica Polonica A. — 2005. — Vol. 107. — P. 137−141.
- Near- and far-infrared p-GaAs dual-band detector / G. Ariyawansa, M. B. M. Rinzan, D. G. Esaev, S. G. Matsik, G. Hastings, A. G. U. PereraH. C. Liu, B. N. Zvonkov, V. I. Gavrilenko // Appl. Phys. Lett. v.86, 143510 (2005).
- High performance single emitter homojunction interfacial workfunction far infrared detectors / D. G. Esaev, M. B. M. Rinzan, S. G. Matsik, A. G. U. Perera, H. C. Liu, B. N. Zvonkov, V. I. Gavrilenko, A. A. Belyanin // J. Appl. Phys., 2004, v.95, No2, pp.512−519.
Far IR magnetoabsorption in Ge/GeSi multiple-quantum-well heterostructures / V. Ya. Aleshkin, I. V. Erofeeva, V. I. Gavrilenko, A. V. Ikonnikov, D. V. Kozlov, O. A. Kuznetsov, D. B. Veksler // Physica B. — 2003. — Vol. 340−342. — P. 840−843.
- The effects of light-heavy hole transitions on the cutoff wavelengths of far infrared detectors / A. G. U. Perera, S. G. Matsik, M. B. M. Rinzan, A. Weerasekara, M. Alevli, H. C. Liu, M. Buchanan, B. Zvonkov, V. Gavrilenko // Infrared Physics & Technology, 2003, v.44, No 5−6, pp.347−353.
- Localised and resonant states of shallow acceptors in Ge/Ge1-xSix multiple-quantum well heterostructures / V. Ya. Aleshkin, B. A. Andreev, V. I. Gavrilenko, I. V. Erofeeva, D. V. Kozlov, O. A. Kuznetsov // Physica E, 2002, v.13, ## 2−4, pp.317−320.
- Effect of magnetic field quantization on the shallow acceptor spectrum in strained Ge/GeSi heterostructures / V. Ya. Aleshkin, V. I. Gavrilenko, D. B. Veksler, L. Reggiani // Phys. Rev. B, v.66, p.155336 (2002).
- Cyclotron resonance quantum Hall effect detector / B. A. Andreev, I. V. Erofeeva, V. I. Gavrilenko, A. L. Korotkov, A. N. Yablonskiy O. Astafiev, Y. Kawano, S. Komiyama // Semicond. Sci. Technol., 2001, v.16, pp.300−303.
- Time constant of the far IR response of a quantum Hall device / I. V. Erofeeva, V. I. Gavrilenko, S. Komiyama //Nanotechnology, 2001, v.12, pp. 453−456.
- Shallow acceptors in Ge/GeSi multi-quantum well heterostructures / V. Ya. Aleshkin, B. A. Andreev, V. I. Gavrilenko, I. V. Erofeeva, D. V. Kozlov, O. A. Kuznetsov, M. D. Moldavskaya, A. V. Novikov // Physica E 2000, v.7, 608−611.
- Resonant acceptor states in Ge/Ge1-xSix MQW heterostructures / V. Ya. Aleshkin, B. A. Andreev, V. I. Gavrilenko, I. V. Erofeeva, D. V. Kozlov, O. A. Kuznetsov // Nanotechnology, 2000, v.11, N 4, pp. 348−350.
- Far infrared spectroscopy of shallow acceptors in strained Ge/GeSi quantum well heterostructures / V. Ya. Aleshkin, V. I. Gavrilenko, I. V. Erofeeva, A. L. Korotkov, D. V. Kozlov, O. A. Kuznetsov, M. D. Moldavskaya // phys. stat. sol.(b), 1998, v.210, p.649.
- On the nature of the «stimulated» FIR emission of hot carriers in uniaxially stressed p-Ge in the absence of the magnetic field / V. I. Gavrilenko, V. V. Nikonorov, A. V. Galyagin, P. N. Tsereteli // Lith. J. Phys., 1992, v.32, N.5, suppl., p.161.
- Inverted distribution of hot holes in uniaxially stressed germanium / V. I. Gavrilenko, N. G. Kalugin, Z. F. Krasil’nik, V. V. Nikonorov // Semicond. Sci. Technol. 1992, v.7, No 3B, p. B649.
- Far IR cyclotron resonance and luminescence of hot holes in p-Ge / V. I. Gavrilenko, A. L. Korotkov, Z. F. Krasil’nik, V. V. Nikonorov // Opt. Quantum Electronics, 1991, v.23, N2, p. S163.
- Remarkable effects of uniaxial stress on stimulated far IR emission from hot holes in germanium in crossed electric and magnetic fields / V. I. Gavrilenko, V. V. Nikonorov // Opt. Quantum Electronics, 1991, v.23, N2, p. S217.
- Negative mass cyclotron resonance maser / V. I. Gavrilenko, Z. F. Krasil’nik // Opt. Quantum Electronics, 1991, v.23, N2, p. S323.
- Far IR luminescence of hot holes in Ge: diagnostics of intersubband population inversion and effects of uniaxial stress / V. I. Gavrilenko, A. L. Korotkov, Z. F. Krasil’nik, V. V. Nikonorov, S. A. Pavlov // Sol. St. Electronics, 1988, v.31, N ¾, p.758.
Contact details
Phone: +7 (831) 417-94-62