IPM RAS / Structure / Staff / Vax Vladimir

Vax Vladimir

Head of the terahertz spectroscopy Department, PhD in Physics.

Personal data

Born in 1946 in Nizhniy Novgorod.

Research interests

the Design and development of instruments and methods of терагерцовой spectrometry. Development of gas спектрометро, working on non-stationary effects, sources of radiation, frequency multipliers, systems of phase stabilization of frequencies, receiving systems. Analytical investigation of the multicomponent gas mixtures for different applications (medicine, hi-tech, the security system).


  • V.L. Vaks, V. V. Mityugov. Quantum approach to the rotation states relaxation theory. // Phys Rev A. - 2000. - V. 6105. - N 5. - P. 2715.
  • Mygind J., V. P. Koshelets, S. V. Shitov, Vaks V l, et al. The Linewidth and phase locking of Josephson flux flow oscillators. // Physica C - 2000. V. 332 - N. 1-4. - P. 302-307.
  • Vaks V l, V. P. Koshelets, S. V. Shitov, Fillipenko L. V., Mygind J., Baryshev A. B., Luinge W. and Ricardo N. Phase locking of 270-440 GHz Josephson flux flow oscillator. // Rev. Sci. Instrum. - 2001. - N. 71. - P.289.
  • V. P. Koshelets, Ermakov A. B., S. V. Shitov, Vaks V l, et al. Superfine resonant structure on IV-curves of long Josephson junction and its influence on flux flow oscillator linewidth. // IEEE T Appl. Supercon. - 2001. - V. 11 - n 1. - P. 1211-1214.
  • K. P. Gaikovich, Reznik A. N., Vaks V l, et al. Microwave near-field subsurface radiothermometry. // Phys. Low-Dimens. Str. - 2001. - N. 3-4. - P. 263-270.
  • V. P. Koshelets, S. V. Shitov, Vaks V l, Dmitriev P. N., Ermakov A. b., Fillipenko L. V., V. V. Khodos, Baryshev A. B. Wesselius, P. R. and Mygind J. Towards a phase-locked superconducting integrated receiver: prospects and ' limitations. // Physica C - 2002. - N 367. - P. 249-255.
  • K. P. Gaikovich, Yu. N. Nozdrin, A. N. Reznik, V. L. Vaks. Reconstruction of the subsurface dielectric structure by microwave near-field measurements. // Physics of of Low-Dimensional Structures. - 2002. - v. 5/6. - P.99-104.
  • V.P. Koshelets, P. N. Dmitriev, V. L. Vaks, A. S. Sobolev, A. L. Pankratov, V. V. Khodos, A. M. Baryshev, P. R. Wesselius, J. Mygind. Line width of Josephson Flux Flow Oscillators. // Physica C - 2002. N 372. - P. 316-321.
  • K. P. Gaikovich, Vaks V. L. Reznik, A. N., Yurasova N. V. New effect in near-field thermal emission. // Phys. Rev. Lett. - 2002. - V. 88. - N.10. - P. 104302-1 - 104302-4.
  • V.V. Khodos, D. A. Ryndyk, V. L. Vaks. Fast passage microwave molecular spectroscopy with frequency sweeping. // Eur. "Phys. J. Appl. "Phys. - 2004. - V. 25. - P. 203-208.
  • Pankratov A. L., Vaks V. L. and V. P. Koshelets Spectral properties of phase-locked flux flow oscillator. // Journ. Appl. "Phys. - 2007. - V. 102. - P. 063912.
  • Vladimir Vaks, High-Precise Spectrometry of the Terahertz Frequency Range: The Methods, Approaches and Applications// Journal of Infrared and Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, 2012, Volume 33, Number 1, Pages 43-53.
  • E.A. Sobakinskaya, A. L. Pankratov, V. L. Vaks, Dynamics of a quantum two-level of the system under the action of phase-diffusion field, Physics Letters A 376 (2012) 265-269.
  • V.L.Vaks, Domracheva E., E. Sobakinskaya, M. Chernyaeva Upgrading the sensitivity of spectroscopy gas analysis with application of supersonic molecular // Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, Vol. 111, p. 074903(1-6).
  • Contact detail

    Phone: +7 (831) 417-94-57

    E-mail: vax@ipmras.ru

    © 2000—2025, IPM RAS.
    E-mail: director@ipmras.ru

    Address: Academicheskaya Str., 7, Afonino, Nizhny Novgorod region, Kstovsky district, Kstovo region, 603087, Russia

    Phone: +7 831 4179473,
    Fax: +7 831 4179464,
    Mail address: GSP-105, Nizhny Novgorod, 603950, Russia