Sapozhnikov Maksim
Leading research associate of the Department for magnetic nanostructures, D.Sci. in Physics.
Personal data
Born in 1968 in Nizhniy Novgorod, married
Research interests
the Magnetic properties condensed matter, magnetic nanoparticles and thin magnetic films. Physics of granular media, micro particles in the fluid, electroconvection, optical properties of metamaterials.
- 1985 — 1992 — student of the Radiophysics faculty of the Gorky State University ;
- 1992 — 1993 — trainee researcher of the department for physics of superconductors of the Institute of Applied Physics RAS;
- 1993 — present — junior research associate, research associate, senior research associate of the department for physics of superconductors, senior research associate, head of the department for physics of the magnetic nanostructures, Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS;
2000 Ph. D. thesysis «Long range interactions and collective effects in the systems of the magnetic nanoobjects».
2001−2003 postdoc position at Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, USA.
2018 D.Sci. thesisys «Effects of magneto- and electrostatic interactions in collective behavior of micro and nanosystems».
The Author of the Handbook in chemistry for pupils of grade 8 and 10. 67 articles published in the leading Russian and foreign journals.
Selected publications
Dipole interaction in magnetic nanostructures
A.A.Fraerman, M.V.Sapozhnikov, «
Metastable and nonuniform states in 2D ortorhombic dipole system», Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 192, 191 (1999)
S.A.Gusev, Yu.N. Nozdrin, M.V. Sapozhnikov, A.A. Fraerman, «
Collective effects in artificialtwo-dimensional lattices of ferromagnetic nanoparticles», Physics-Uspekhi 43, 288 (2000)
A.A.Fraerman, S.A.Gusev, L.A.Mazo, I.M.Nefedov, Yu.N.Nozdrin, I.R.Karetnikova, M.V.Sapozhnikov, I.A.Shereshevskii, L.V.Sukhodoev, «
Rectangular lattices of permalloy nanoparticles: Interplay of single-particle magnetization distribution and interparticle interaction», Phys.Rev. B, 65, 064424 (2002)
A.A.Fraerman, M. V. Sapozhnikov, «
Hysteresis model with dipole interaction: Devil`s staircase like shape of the magnetization curve», Phys. Rev. B, 65, 184433 (2002)
I. R. Karetnikova, K. R. Mukhamatchin, I. M. Nefedov, M. V. Sapozhnikov, A. A. Fraerman, and I. A. Shereshevskii, «
Phase Transitions in a Two-Dimensional Dipole Ferrimagnet», Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 118 (2014) 432−441
Self-organization in nonequilibrium dissipative systems
- M.V.Sapozhnikov, I. S. Aranson, Y. V. Tolmachev, W.-K.Kwok, «
Dynamic self-assembly and patterns in electrostatically driven granular media», Phys. Rev. Lett., 90, 114301 (2003)
- M.V.Sapozhnikov, I.S.Aranson, J.S.Olafsen, «
Coarsening of granular clusters: two types of scaling behaviors», Phys. Rev. E, 67, 010302® (2003)
- I.S.Aranson, M.V.Sapozhnikov, «
Theory of pattern-formation of metallic microparticles in poorly conducting liquid», Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 234301 (2004)
- M.V.Sapozhnikov, I. S. Aranson, Y. V. Tolmachev, W.-K.Kwok, «
Self-assembly and vortices formed by microparticles in weak electrolytes», Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 084502 (2004)
- Arnaud Demortière, Alexey Snezhko, Maksim V. Sapozhnikov, Nicholas Becker, Thomas Proslier and Igor S. Aranson, «
Self-Assembled Tunable Networks of Sticky Colloidal Particles», Nature Communications 5, Article number:3117,(2014)
Magnetic nanocaps
- M. V. Sapozhnikov, S. A. Gusev, V. V. Rogov, O. L. Ermolaeva, B. B. Troitskii, L. V. Khokhlova, D. A. Smirnov, «
Magnetic and optical properties of nanocorrugated Co films», Applied Physics Letters 96, 122507 (2010)
- M.V.Sapozhnikov, S. A. Gusev, B. B. Troitskii, L. V. Khokhlova, «
Optical and magneto-optical resonances in nanocorrugated ferromagnetic films», Optics Letters 36, 4197 (2011)
- M. V. Sapozhnikov, O. L. Ermolaeva, B. G. Gribkov, I. M. Nefedov, I. R. Karetnikova, S. A. Gusev, V. V. Rogov, B. B. Troitskii, and L. V. Khokhlova, «
Frustrated magnetic vortices in hexagonal lattice of magnetic nanocaps», Phys. Rev. B, 85, 054402 (2012)
- M.V. Sapozhnikov, L.I. Budarin, E.S. Demidov, «
Ferromagnetic resonance of 2D array of magnetic nanocaps», Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 449 (2018) 68−76
Magnetic films with interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (iDMI)
- N. S. Gusev, A. V. Sadovnikov, S. A. Nikitov, M. V. Sapozhnikov, and O. G. Udalov, «
Manipulation of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction in Co/Pt Multilayers with Strain», Phys. Rev. Lett., 124, 157202 (2020)
- M. V. Sapozhnikov, R. V. Gorev, E. V. Skorokhodov, N. S. Gusev, A. V. Sadovnikov, and O. G. Udalov, «
Zigzag domains caused by strain-induced anisotropy of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction», Phys. Rev. B 105, 024405 (2022)
- O.G.Udalov, M.V.Sapozhnikov, «
Orientation and internal structure of domain walls in ferromagnetic films with anisotropic Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction», Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 519 (2021) 167464
- N.S. Gusev, Yu.A. Dudin, A.V. Sadovnikov, and M.V. Sapozhnikov., «
Modification of the Interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction in Cobalt/Heavy Metal Films Irradiated with Helium Ions», Physics of the Solid State, 1 (2021)
Magnetic skyrmions, experiment
- М. V. Sapozhnikov, N. S. Gusev, S. A. Gusev, D. A. Tatarskiy, Yu. V. Petrov, A. G. Temiryazev, A. A. Fraerman, «
Direct observation of topological Hall effect in Co/Pt nanostructured films», Phys. Rev. B 103, 054429 (2021)
- M. V. Sapozhnikov, S. N. Vdovichev, O. L. Ermolaeva, N. S. Gusev, A. A. Fraerman, S. A. Gusev, and Yu. V. Petrov, «
Artificial dence lattice of magnetic bubbles», Applied Physics Letters 109, 042406 (2016)
- M. В. Сапожников, О. В. Ермолаева, Е. В. Скороходов, Н. С. Гусев, М .Н. Дроздов, «
Магнитные скирмионы в пленках с модулированной толщиной», Письма в ЖЭТФ, 107, 378 (2018)
- M. V. Sapozhnikov, Y. V. Petrov, N. S. Gusev, A. G. Temiryazev, O. L. Ermolaeva, V. L. Mironov and O. G. Udalov, «
Artificial Dense Lattices of Magnetic Skyrmions», Materials 13, 99 (2020)
Magnetic skyrmions, theory and simulations
- M. V. Sapozhnikov and O. L. Ermolaeva, «
Two-dimensional skyrmion lattice in a nanopatterned magnetic film», Phys. Rev. B 91, 024418 (2015)
- V. L. Vadimov, M. V. Sapozhnikov, and A. S. Mel’nikov, «
Magnetic skyrmions in ferromagnet-superconductor (F/S) heterostructures», Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 032402 (2018);
- M.V. Sapozhnikov, «
Skyrmion lattice in a magnetic film with spatially modulated material parameters», Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 396, 338−344 (2015)
- M.V.Sapozhnikov,
D.A.Tatarskiy, V.L.Mironov,
«Creating and detecting a magnetic bimeron by magnetic force microscope probe Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials» 549, 169043 (2022)
- M.V. Sapozhnikov, R.V. Gorev, E.A. Karashtin, V.L. Mironov, «
Spin-wave resonances of ferromagnetic films with spatially modulated anisotropy», Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 446, 1 (2018)
- G.M.Genkin, M. V. Sapozhnikov, «
Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida interaction between zero-dimensional and one-dimensional ferromagnetic inclusions in a matrix of nonmagnetic metal»,· Appl. Phys. Lett. 64, 794 (1994)
- O. G. Udalov, M. V. Sapozhnikov, E. A. Karashtin, B. A. Gribkov, S. A. Gusev, E. V. Skorohodov, V. V. Rogov, A. Yu. Klimov, and A. A. Fraerman «
Nonreciprocal light diffraction by a lattice of magnetic vortices», Phys. Rev. B 86, 094416 (2012)
- N. I. Polushkin, M. V. Sapozhnikov, N. S. Gusev, S. N. Vdovichev, and M. N. Drozdov, «
Oersted-field-induced switching of a ferromagnet on a Si substrate via localized dielectric breakdown of the native SiO2
Applied Physics Letters 111, 012401 (2017) - Yu. Pashen’kin, M. V. Sapozhnikov, b, N. S. Gusev, V. V. Rogov, D. A. Tatarskii, A. A. Fraerman, and M. N. Volochaev, «
Magnetoelectric Effect in CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB Magnetic Tunnel Junctions», JETP Letters, 111, 690 (2020)
- M. A. Kuznetsov, I. Y. Pashenkin, N. I. Polushkin, M. V. Sapozhnikov, and A. A. Fraerman, «
Magnetocaloric effect in exchange-coupled strong/weak/strong ferromagnet stacks», J. Appl. Phys. 127, 183904 (2020)
Contact detail
Phone: +7 (831) 417−94−85 +122