IPM RAS / About / Persons


Avenir Mikhailovich Belyantsev

Known scientist in the fields of radio and semiconductor physics, plasma physics, author of over 80 scientific papers published in leading national and international journals. Made a significant contribution to the establishment and development of research in solid state physics in Nizhny Novgorod.

Sergey Victorovich Gaponov

Founder and first director of the IPM RAS, academician, Dr. Sci.

Vladimir Izyaslavovich Gavrilenko

Head of the Department for physics of semiconductors of IPM RAS, laureate of the State Prize of the USSR, Professor, Dr. Sci.

Yuri Anatolievich Romanov

Famous scientist in the fields of semiconductor and plasma physics, author of over 130 publications. He has made a significant contribution to the new scientific direction — physics of semiconductor superlattices.

Nikolai Nikolayevich Salashchenko

Head of the Multilayer X-ray optics department of the IPM RAS, laureate of the State Prize of the USSR and A. G. Stoletov Prize, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Sci.

Vladimir Ivanovich Shashkin

Deputy director for science of the IPM RAS, head of the department for technology of nanostructures and devices, head of Regional Common Research Center «Physics and technology of micro- and nanostructures», Dr. Sci.

Mikhail Andreyevich Silaev

Senior research associate of the Department for physics of superconductivity, PhD in Physics.

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E-mail: director@ipmras.ru

Address: Academicheskaya Str., 7, Afonino, Nizhny Novgorod region, Kstovsky district, Kstovo region, 603087, Russia

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