Публикации ведущей организации
3)Vishnyakov, E.A., Shugarov, A.S., Ivlyushkin, D.V., …Erkhova, N.F., Kuzin, S.V. Evaluation of CCD detector absolute responsivity with the aid of synchrotron radiation. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2020, 2299, 060007
4)Baranov, G., Borin, V., Zhuravlev, A., …Nikolenko, A., Piminov, P.Experiments with Synchrotron Radiation at the VEPP-4M Journal of Surface Investigation, 2020, 14 (1), стр. 150−154
5)Bukhtiyarov, A.V., Bukhtiyarov, V.I., Nikolenko, A.D., …Kvon, R.I., Tereshchenko, O.E. «Electronic structure» beamline 1−6 at SKIF synchrotron facility. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2020, 2299, 060003
6)Korotaev, E., Syrokvashin, M., Fedorenko, A., …Zavertkin, P., Ivlyushkin, D.Obtaining Soft X-ray Emission and Absorption Spectra Using SR from the VEPP-4 Storage Ring on the Metrology Station cosmos Physics Procedia, 2016, 84, стр. 233−237