IPM RAS / Structure / Staff / Krasilnikova Lyudmila

Krasilnikova Lyudmila

Research associate of the Department for physics of semiconductors, PhD in Physics.

Personal data

Born on 8 July, 1979 in Dzerzhinsk.

Research interests

the Physics of semiconductors and nanostructures, spectroscopy of solids, silicon optoelectronics.



secondary School #23 d. Dzerzhinsk.


Faculty of physics N. I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhniy Novgorod.


  • 1996 - 2002 - study in N. I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhniy Novgorod;
  • 2002 - 2005 - postgraduate study in the IPM RAS;
  • 2005 - 2009-junior research associate of the IPM RAS;
  • 2007 - PhD in Physics (thesis - «Luminescence properties of Si/SiGe heterostructures doped admixture of erbium»);
  • 2010 - present - research associate of the IPM RAS.


  • Stepikhova M.V., L. V. Krasil'nikova, Z. F. Krasil'nik, V. G. Shengurov, V. Yu. Chalkov, D. M. Zhigunov, O. A. Shalygina, V. Yu. Organs «Observation of the population inversion of erbium ion states in Si/Si1-xGex:Er/Si structures under optical excitation” // Journal of Optical Materials 28 2006. P. 893-896.
  • Z.F. Krasilnik, B. A. Andreev, T. Gregorkievicz, L. V. Krasil'nikova, V. P. Kuznetsov, H. Przybylinska, D. Yu. Remizov, V. B. Shmagin, V. G. Shengurov, M. V. Stepikhova, V. Yu. Organs, D. M. Zhigunov «Single - and multilayer Si: Er structures for LED and laser applications grown with sublimation MBE technique” // in Photonics, Devices, and Systems III (edited by Pavel Tomanek, Miroslav Hrabovsky, Miroslav Miler, Dagmar Senderakova). Proc. of SPIE, 2006, v. 6180. P.61800L1-L8.
  • M. Stepikhova, L. Krasil'nikova, Z. Krasil'nik, V. Shengurov, V. Chalkov, S. Svetlov, D. Zhigunov, V. Organs, A. Shalygina, P. Kashkarov «Si/SiGe:Er/Si Structures for Laser Realization: Theoretical Analysis and Luminescent Studies” // Journal of Crystal Growth 288, 2006. Issue 1, p. 65-69.
  • Z.F.Krasilnik, B. A.Andreev, T. Gregorkievicz, W. Jantsch, D. I.Kryzhkov, L. V.Krasilnikova, V. P.Kuznetsov, H. Przybylinska, D. Yu.Remizov, V. B.Shmagin, M. V.Stepikhova, V. Yu.Timoshenko, N. Q.Vinh, A. N.Yablonskiy, D. M.Zhigunov, «Erbium doped silicon single - and multilayer structures for light-emitting device and laser applications” // Journal of Materials Research, 2006, 21, p.574-583.
  • A.N. Yablonskiy, L. V. Krasilnikova, B. A. Andreev, D. I. Kryzhkov, V. P. Kuznetsov and Z. F. Krasilnik «Band-to-band and direct optical excitation of Er in silicon: comparison of kinetics and temperature dependence of erbium PL” // Physica B: Condensed Matter, v.404, iss. 23-24, p. 4601-4603 (2009)
  • L. Krasilnikova, M. Stepikhova, Y. Drozdov, V. Chalkov, V. Shengurov, Z. Krasilnik. «On the role of heterolayer relaxation in luminescence response of Si/SiGe:Er structures” // Phys. Status Solidi C, v.8, no 3, 1044-1048 (2011)
  • Contact detail

    Phone: +7 (831) 417-94-82 +263

    E-mail: luda@ipmras.ru

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