IPM RAS / Structure / Staff / Shereshevskii Ilya

Shereshevskii Ilya

Head of the laboratory of mathematical methods and numerical simulation, Dr. Sci.

Personal data

Born on November, 20, 1949 in Nizhny Novgorod.

Scientific interests

Mathematical physics, mathematical modeling of physical processes.


  • 1966 — graduated from physical-mathematical school #40, Nizhny Novgorod;
  • 1966 — 1971 — student of Radiophysics faculty of Nizhny Novgorod state University;
  • 1975 — 1978 — postgraduate student of mechanics and mathematics faculty of Moscow State University;
  • 1982 — defended PhD thesis «Quantization on manifolds», scientific supervisor — F. A. Berezin;
  • 2012 — defended SciD thesus «Operator methods of simulation of wave processes in low dimensional systems»


  • 1971 — 1976 — trainee, junior researcher of the Radiophysical Research Institute, Nizhny Novgorod
  • 1979 — 1993 — Junior researcher, senior researcher, head of laboratory of the Institute of applied physics of Russian Academy of Sciences (IAP RAS), Nizhny Novgorod;
  • 1994 — present — head of the laboratory of mathematical methods and numerical simulation of IPM RAS.

Educational activity

  • Vector and tensor analysis, a course of lectures at Nizhny Novgorod state University, Advanced school of general and applied physics (1996 — present).
  • Computational mathematics, the course of lectures at Nizhny Novgorod state University, Advanced school of general and applied physics (1996 — present).
  • Scientific advisor of Ph. D. Thesis of V. I. Pozdnjkova, 2001.



  • A.N.Reznik, I. A. Shereshevsky, N. K. Vdovicheva. The near-field microwave technique for deepprofiling of free carrier concentration in semiconductors. J. Appl. Phys., 2011, vol.109, 094508 (9 pages).
  • A.Yu. Aladyshkin, G. W. Ataklti, W. Gillijns, I. M. Nefedov, I. A. Shereshevsky, A. V. Silhanek, J. Van de Vondel, M. Kemmler, R. Kleiner, D. Koelle, and V. V. Moshchalkov, «Mesoscopic cross-film cryo-trons: Vortex
    trapping and dc-Josephson-like oscillations of the critical current»
    Physical Review B, vol. 83, 144509 (2011).


  • I. A. Shereshevskii, On stochastic deformations of dynamical systems, Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 2010, Vol.17, supp N01, 71−85.
  • I. M. Khaymovich, N. M. Chtchelkatchev, I. A. Shereshevskii, A. S. Mel’nikov, Andreev transport in two-dimensional normal-superconducting systems in strong magnetic fields, Euro Physical Letters 91, 17005 (2010).
  • V. L. Mironov, A. A. Fraerman, B. A. Gribkov, O. L. Ermolaeva, A. Yu. Klimov, S. A. Gusev, I. M. Nefedov, and I. A. ShereshevskiiControl of the magnetic state of arrays of ferromagnetic nanoparticles with the aid of the inhomogeneous field of a magnetic-force-microscope probe. The Physics of Metals and Metallography, 2010, Vol. 110, No. 7, pp. 708−734.


  • V. E. Semenov, E. I. Rakova, A. G. Sazontov, I. M. Nefedov, V. I. Pzfnjkova, I. A. Shereshevskii, D. Anderson, M. Lisak, J. Puesh, Simulation of multipactor thresholds in in shielded microstrip lines, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42 (2009) 205204 (7pp).
  • I. M. Khaymovich, N. B. Kopnin, A. S. Mel’nikov, I. A. Shereshevskii, Vortex Core States in Superconducting Graphene, Physical Review B 79, 224506 (2009).


  • U. Jordan, D. S. Dorozhkina, V. E. Semenov, T. Olsson, D. Andersen, M. Lisak, J. Puech, I. M. Nefedov, I. A. Shereshevskii, Microwave corona breakdown around metal corners and wedges // IEEE Trans. on Plasma Physics, v. 35, № 3, p. 542−550 (2007).
  • N. V. Kopnin, A. S. Mel’nikov, V. I. Pozdnjakova, D. A. Ryzhov, I. A. Shereshevskii, V. M. Vinokur, Enhanced vortex heat conductance in mesoscopic superconductors. Rhysical Review B 75, 024514 (2007).
  • V. L. Mironov, B. A. Gribkov, A. A. Fraerman, S. A. Gusev, S. N. Vdovichev, I.R.Karetnikova, I. M. Nefedov, I. A. Shereshevsky, MFM probe control of magnetic vortex chirality in elliptical Co nanoparticles // JMMM, v.312, № 1, p. 153−157 (2007).

2005 and earlier

  • I. A. Shereshevskii, Quantization and commutative superalgebras, Lett. in Math. Phys., 1981, v.5, 429−435
  • M A. Antonets, I. A. Shereshevskii, Stochastic model of tree growth, Operator theory: Advances and Applications, v.46, Birkhauser, 1990.
  • M A. Antonets, I. A. Shereshevskii, Critical phenomenon in the stationary model of the random growth, Operator theory: Advances and Applications, v.46, Birkhauser, 1990.
  • A. A. Andronov, I. Gordion, V. V. Kurin, I. M. Nefedov, I. A. Shereshevskii. Cinematic vortices and phase slip lines in the dynamics of the resistive state of narrow superconductive thin film channels. Physica C, 1993, v. 213, 193--199.
  • V. B. Gildenburg, V. I. Pozdnjakova, I. A. Shereshevskii, Frequency Self­Upshifting of Focused Electromagnetic Pulse Producing Gas Ionization Phys. Lett. A, 1995, 203 (4), 214−218.
  • A. A. Fraerman, A. S, Melnikov, I. M. Nefedov, I. A. Shereshevskii et al. Nonlinear relaxation dynamics in decomposing alloys: One­dimensional Cahn­Hilliard model, Phys. Rev. B, 55 (10), 6316­6323, Mar. 1, 1997.
  • I. E. Antoniou, V. V. Kocharovsky, Vl. V. Kocharovsky, I. A. Shereshevskii. Absolute and convective superradiance: Dynamics and macroscopic quantum fluctuations. Comput. Math. Appl., 1997, 34 (7­8) 751--771.
  • V. V. Kocharovsky, Vl. V. Kocharovsky, E. A. Derishev, I. A. Shereshevskii. Nonstationary dressed states and effects of decay in nonadiabatic crossing of decaying levels. Comput. Math. Appl., 1997, 34 (7­8) 727−750.
  • A. Y. Basovich, V. V. Bakhanov, S. D. Bogatyrev, I. A. Shereshevskii et al. Influence of two­dimensional nonuniform currents on surface waves. Izv. A. N. Fiz. Atmosfery [Transactions of Russian Academy of Sciences, ser. Physics of Atmosphere and Ocean], 1997, 33 (3), 402−408.
  • N. V. Vvedenskii, N. K. Vdovicheva, V. B. Gildenburg, N. A. Zharova, I. A. Shereshevskii, M. I. Yasin. Small­scale dynamics structures in low­pressure microwave discharges Izv. Vuzov. Radiofiz [Transactions of Universities, ser. Radiophysics], 1997, XL (8), 991--1003 (Russian)
  • G. B. Malykin, V. I. Pozdnjakova, I. A. Shereshevskii. Simulation of the random coupling of the polarization modes in single­mode optical waveguides. I. The evolution of polarization degree of nonmonochromatic radiation in the optical waveguide. Optika i Spektroskopija [Optics and Spectroscopy], 83 (5), 843--852, 1997 (Russian)
  • V. V. Kurin, A. V. Yulin, I. A. Shereshevskii, et al. Cherenkov radiation of vortices in a two­dimensional annular Josephson junction. Phys. Rev. Lett., 1998, 80 (15), 3372−3375.
  • A. M. Sergeev, M. Lontno, A. V. Kim, V. B. Gildenburg, M. D. Chernobrovtseva, V. I. Pozdnzjkova, I. A. Shereshevskii Ionization-induced leaking-mode channeling of intense short laser pulses in gases, Laser and Particle Beams, 1999, V.17, No1, pp.129−138.
  • A. Wallraff, A. V. Ustinov, V. V. Kurin, I. A. Shereshevsky, and N. K. Vdovicheva, Whispering Vortices, Physical review letters, vol.84, N 1, (2000) p.151−154.
  • V. I. Shashkin, I. R. Karetnikova, A. Murel, I. Nefedov, and I. A. Sheresevskii Approach to electrochemical C-V profiling in semiconductor with sub-Debye-length resolution. IEEE Transactoins on Electron Devices. 2000, v.47, N6.
  • D. A. Ryndyk, V. I. Pozdnjakova, I. A. Shereshevskii, and N. K. Vdovicheva Dynamics and transformations of the Josephson vortex lattice in layered superconductors Phys. Rev. B, 64,052508,16 July 2001.
  • Malykin G. B., Pozdnyakova V. I., Shereshevskii I. A. The asymptotics of a polarization degree of non-monochromatic radiation traveling in a fiber lightguides with random inhomogeneities J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 2001. V.3. P. S93-S95.
  • I. M. Nefedov, I. A. Shereshevskii, Operator Exponential Method for Initial-Boundary Value Problems, Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, v.8 2001, n.3, 313--324.
  • A. Yu. Aladyshkin, A. S. Mel’nikov, I. A. Shereshevskii, I. D. Tokman. What is the best gate for vortex entry into type-II superconductor? Physica C Vol.361 (2001), 67−72.
  • A. S. Mel’nikov, D. A. Ryzhov, I. M. Nefedov, I. A. Shereshevskii, P. P. Vysheslavtsev, Nonsingular vortices in (d+s) — wave superconductors, Phys. Rev. B Vol.62, N17, pp.11820−11825 (2000).
  • I. A. Shereshevskii, Orthogonalization of Graded Sets of Vectors, Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 2001, Vol.8, N1, 54−58.
  • A. A. Fraerman, S. A. Gusev, I. M. Nefedov, Yu. N. Nozdrin, I. R. Karetnikova, L. A. Mazo, M. V. Sapozhnikov, I. A. Shereshevsky, L. A. Sukhodoev, Magnetization curves for two-dimensional rectangular lattices of permaloy nanoparticles: experimental investigation and numerical simulation, J. Phys.: Condensed Matter, 2001, v.13, p.683−689.
  • G. B. Malykin, V. I. Pozdnyakova, I. A. Shereshevskii, Random Groups in the Optical Waveguides Theory, Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, v.8 2001, n.4, 491−517.
  • I. A. Shereshevskii, A Finite Dimension Analog of the Krein Formula, Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, v.8 2001, n.4, 446−457.
  • A. A. Fraerman, S. A. Gusev, L. A. Mazo, I. M. Nefedov, Yu. N. Nozdrin, I. R. Karetikova, M. V. Sapozhnikov, I. A. Shereshevskii, The collective behavior of circular nanomagnets, The Physics of Metal and Metallography, vol. 91, Suppl.1, 2001, pp. S121-S124.
  • A. A. Fraerman, I. R. Karetikova, I. M. Nefedov, M. V. Sapozhnikov, I. A. Shereshevskii, Numerical simulation of the dipole interaction effects in the lattices of ferromagnetic particles, The Physics of Metal and Metallography, vol. 92, Suppl.1, 2001, pp. S226-S230.
  • A. S. Mel’nikov, I. M. Nefedov, D. A. Ryzhov, I. A. Shereshevskii, V. M. Vinokur, P. P. Vysheslavtsev, Vortex states and magnetization curve of square mesoscopic superconductors, Phys. Rev. B, 65, 140503 (2002).
  • A. A. Fraerman, S. A. Gusev, L. A. Mazo, I. M. Nefedov, Yu. N. Nozdrin, I. R. Karetikova, M. V. Sapozhnikov, I. A. Shereshevskii, L. V. Sukhodoev, Rectaqngular lattices of permalloy nanoparticles: Interplay of single-particle magnetization distribution and interparticle interaction, Phys. Rev. B, v.65, 2002, pp 65064424−1−064424−5
  • A. S. Bystrov, A. S. Melnikov, I. M. Nefedov, D. A. Ryzhov, I. A. Shereshevskii, P. P. Vysheslavtsev, Singular and non-singular vortices in high-temperature superconductors, Physica C, 2003, pp. 657−658.
  • Alexey Lebedev, Dmitrii Leites, Ilya Shereshevskii, Lie Superalgebra Structure in C*(n, n) and H*(n, n), American Mathematical Society Translation (2), v.213, 2005.
  • N. B. Kopnin, A. S. Mel’nikov, V. I. Pozdnyakova, D. A. Ryzhov, I. A. Shereshevskii, V. M. Vinokur, «Giant oscillations of energy levels in mesoscopic superconductors», Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 197002 (2005).
  • A. A. Fraerman, I. R. Karetnikova, I. M. Nefedov, M. A. Silaev, I. A. Shereshevskii, Magnetization reversalof a nanoscale ferromagnetic disk placed above superconductor, Phys. Rev. B, v.71, 094416 (1−7), 2005.

Contact details

Phone: +7 960 1820285

E-mail: ilya@ipmras.ru

© 2000—2025, IPM RAS.
E-mail: director@ipmras.ru

Address: Academicheskaya Str., 7, Afonino, Nizhny Novgorod region, Kstovsky district, Kstovo region, 603087, Russia

Phone: +7 831 4179473,
Fax: +7 831 4179464,
Mail address: GSP-105, Nizhny Novgorod, 603950, Russia