IPM RAS / Structure / Staff / Khaymovich Ivan

Khaymovich Ivan

Research associate (on leave), the Department for physics of superconductivity, PhD in Physics.

Хаймович Иван Михайлович

Personal data

Born on 20 March, 1986, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia. Married, 2 children.

Citation metrics

Number of publications: 48 (+ 3 submitted).

Number of citations:
Web of Science — 867,
Google Scholar — 1393,
ADS — 1348,

Web of Science — 16,
Google Scholar — 21,
ADS — 22

Personal website: Ivan Khaymovich
ORCID: 0000−0003−2160−5984
Google Scholar: Ivan Khaymovich
Astrophysics Data System: Ivan Khaymovich

Research interests

  • Non-ergodic phases of matter and their applications to machine learning and quantum memory
    (see, e.g., [2015−4, 2019−5, 2019−9, 2020−5, 2020−7] below)
  • Deviations from ergodicity and thermalization in quantum many-body systems
    (see, e.g., [2019−3, 2019−10, 2020−3, 2020−4, 2020−8])
  • Quantum dynamics of topologically protected low-energy modes (like braiding of Majorana modes)
    (see, e.g., [2017−2, 2018−3])
  • Interplay of correlations and localization in long-range disordered models
    (see, e.g., [2019−5, 2019−9, 2020−2, 2020−6])
  • Non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, Fluctuation theorems and feedback-controlled systems
    (see, e.g., [2015−5, 2016−4, 2019−8]


  • 2013 — defended PhD thesis «Influence of the superconducting correlations and of the band structure peculiarities on the spectral and transport properties of quasi-two-dimensional Fermi-systems».
  • 2007 — B. S., Department «Advanced school of General and Applied Physics», Nizhniy Novgorod State University, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia/ Adviser: Dr. V. L. Bratman.
  • 2009 — M. S., Department «Advanced school of General and Applied Physics», Nizhniy Novgorod State University, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia/ Adviser: Dr. A. S. Mel’nikov.


  • 2022 — now — Nordita Assistant Professor, the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, Stockholm, Sweden
  • 2016 — 2022 — Staff Scientist, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany
  • 2015 — 2016 — PostDoc, CNRS Grenoble, France (group of Denis M. Basko)
  • 2013 — 2015 — PostDoc, Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University, Finland (groups of N. B. Kopnin and J. P. Pekola).
  • 2009 — present — research associate (on leave since 2013) of the IPM RAS, Nizhniy Novgorod
  • 2007 — 2009 — Master student of the Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, a student of the interfaculty base cafedra of «Physics of nanostructures and nanoelectronics»;

Honours and Awards

  • 2014 — Prize of International Academic Publishing Company «Nauka/ Interperiodica» for the best publications in 2013, Physics and Mathematics
  • 2014 — Annual Award for Young Scientists for the Best Research Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS
  • 2008 — Award of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the best work of students on natural, technical and humanitarian sciences in the universities of the Russian Federation
  • 2005 — 2007 — The Annual Russian Federation Government’s Scholarships
  • 2008 — 2012 — Annual Fellowship of Dynasty Foundation for scientific research in Master students' and PhD students' scholarship programs, Russia.
  • 2010 — Fellowship of the program «The best PhD student of the Russian Academy of Sciences»,
    Regional Public Fund of the Russian Science Support, Russia (national).
  • 2010 — 2012 — Annual Regional Scholarship Grant for scientific research named after academician G.A.Razuvaev, Russia (regional)

Invited and plenary talks in the international conferences

Organization of international conferences and seminar series

Supervision and committee membership

  • 2018 — 2022 — Evaluation of pdf documentsummer internship proposals in MPIPKS;
  • 2018 — 2022 — Anton Kutlin, PhD student, «Non-ergodic extended states in strongly disordered systems in and out of equilibrium», MPIPKS, Dresden, Germany
  • 2022 Mar — now — Oleg Kulyashov, Visiting Master Student, MPIPKS, Dresden, Germany (remotely), «Effects of time reversal symmetry breaking on the localization in dipolar systems.»
  • 2021 May — July — Vedant Motamarri, Visiting Master Student, MPIPKS, Dresden, Germany (remotely) «Integrals of motion in quantum systems, time-reversal symmetry breaking, and localization.»
  • 2020 May — Aug — Sayak Biswas, Visiting Master Student, «Periodically-driven random matrix models with long-range correlated hopping» MPIPKS, Dresden, Germany (remotely due to COVID-19)
  • 2019 Mar — Jun — Weichen Tang, Visiting Master Student, «Non-ergodic delocalized phase with Poisson level statistics», MPIPKS, Dresden, Germany
  • 2018, Apr-Sep — Pavel Nosov, Visiting Master Student, «Anderson localization in long-range disordered models with correlated disorder», MPIPKS, Dresden, Germany
  • 2017, May-Jul — Avinash Mandaiya «Investigation of the statistics of entropy production and dissipated work in periodically-driven classical few-level systems in non-equilibrium steady state», Visiting Master Student, MPIPKS, Dresden, Germany
  • 2016 — 2019 — comentoring of 2 PhD students visiting MPIPKS, Germany.
  • 2014 — 2015 — comentoring of 2 experimental PhD students in Aalto University, Finland.
  • 2014 — Instructor of Special Assignment of Bachelor Student Elsa Mannila «Influence of magnetic field on the current of a single-electron turnstile», Aalto University, Espoo, Finland


  • 2021,Feb — Online lectures on Eigenstate thermalization hypothesis and mechanisms of its breakdown
    (Sole lecture course), Advanced School of General and Applied Physics, N. Novgorod, Russia
  • 2020, Nov — Online lectures on Introduction to the non-equilibrium thermodynamics of classical systems and its relations to the information theory
    (Sole lecture course), Advanced School of General and Applied Physics, N. Novgorod, Russia
  • 2015 — Lectures on Introduction to the open quantum systems, Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University School of Science,
    Joint lecture course for Master and graduate students with Jukka Pekola, Antti Kupiainen, and Paolo Muratore-Ginnaneschi, Espoo, Finland
  • 2012 — Tutorial for undergraduate and PhD students on MS PowerPoint presentationShot noise in mesoscopic contacts,
    Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, N. Novgorod, Russia
  • 2011 — Tutorial for undergraduate and PhD students on MS PowerPoint presentation2D topological insulators,
    Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, N. Novgorod, Russia
  • 2010 — Exercises on Bachelor course Differential Equations with A. I. Malyshev
    Chair of Theoretical Physics Physical department, N. Novgorod State University, Russia
  • 2010 — Exercises on Bachelor courseTheoretical mechanics, with A. A. Perov
    Chair of Theoretical Physics, Physical department, N. Novgorod State University, Russia
  • 2009 — Exercises on Bachelor courseElectrodynamics, with A. A. Perov
    Chair of Theoretical Physics Physical department, N. Novgorod State University, Russia
  • 2009 — Tutorial for undergraduate and PhD students on pdf documentProximity effect in graphene,
    Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, N. Novgorod, Russia

Personal funding (only PI)

  • 2021 — 2023 — PI (before 02.2022): Russian Science Foundation grant 21−12−00409, Russia, «Critical phenomena in mesoscopic many-body systems and their applications to state-of-art computer technologies»
  • 2016 — 2020 — DFG research grant KH 425/1−1, «Quantum dynamics of topologically nontrivial systems with Coulomb blockade effects», Germany (national)
  • 2012 — 2014 — National Grant of the President of Russian Federation for young scientists and graduate students engaged in advanced research and development in priority areas of modernization of the Russian economy 2012 — 2014 years, «Influence of the superconducting correlations and of the band structure peculiarities on the spectral and transport properties of quasi-two-dimensional Fermi-systems», Russia (national)
  • 2010 — 2012 — Grant of Russian Federal Target Program «Research and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia» for 2009−2013″, the scientific direction of «Physics of Condensed Matter. Physical Material Science», «Proximity effect in low-dimensional superfluid Fermi-systems and magnetic field effects», Russia (national)



  1. M. Haque, P. McClarty, I. M. Khaymovich, "Entanglement of mid-spectrum eigenstates of chaotic many-body systems—deviation from random ensembles", Phys. Rev. E 105, 014109 (2022) [arXiv:2008.12782].
  2. A. V. Samokhvalov, I. A. Shereshevskii, N. K. Vdovicheva, M. Taupin, I. M. Khaymovich, A. S. Mel’nikov, «Electron-phonon heat transfer in giant vortex states», Phys. Rev. B 105, 024522 (2022) [arXiv:2112.00034].
  3. P. A. Nosov, I. M. Khaymovich, A. Kudlis, V. E. Kravtsov, «Statistics of Green’s functions on a disordered Cayley tree and the validity of forward scattering approximation», SciPost Phys. 12, 048 (2022) [arXiv:2108.10326].
  4. W. C. Tang, I. M. Khaymovich, «Non-ergodic delocalized phase with Poisson level statistics», Quantum 6, 733 (2022) [arXiv:2112.09700].
  5. L. Colmenarez, D. J. Luitz, I. M. Khaymovich, G. De Tomasi, «Subdiffusive Thouless time scaling in the Anderson model on the random regular graph», Phys. Rev. B 105, 174207 (2022) [arXiv:2201.04673]
  6. X. Deng, A. L. Burin, I. M. Khaymovich, «Anisotropy-driven localization transition in quantum dipoles», Submitted to SciPost Physics [arXiv:2002.00013].
  7. V. Motamarri, A. S. Gorsky, I. M. Khaymovich, «Localization and fractality in disordered Russian Doll model», Submitted to SciPost Physics [arXiv:2112.05066].
  8. G. De Tomasi, I. M. Khaymovich, «Non-Hermitian Rosenzweig-Porter random-matrix ensemble: Obstruction to the fractal phase», accepted to Phys. Rev. B,[arxiv:2204.00669].


  1. G. De Tomasi, I. M. Khaymovich, F. Pollmann, S. Warzel, «Rare thermal bubbles at the many-body localization transition from the Fock space point of view», Phys. Rev. B 104, 024202 (2021), Editor’s Suggestion [arXiv:2011.03048].
  2. I. M. Khaymovich, V. E. Kravtsov, «Dynamical phases in a „multifractal“ Rosenzweig-Porter model»,
    SciPost Phys. 11(2), 045 (2021) [arXiv:2106.01965].
  3. A. G. Kutlin, I. M. Khaymovich, «Emergent fractal phase in energy stratified random models»,
    SciPost Phys. 11(6), 101 (2021) [arXiv:2106.03864].


  1. G. De Tomasi, S. Bera, A. Scardicchio, I. M. Khaymovich, «Sub-diffusion in the Anderson model on random regular graph»,
    Phys. Rev. B® 101, 100201 (2020) [arXiv:1908.11388].
  2. A. Kutlin, I. M. Khaymovich,"Renormalization to localization without a small parameter",
    SciPost Phys. 8, 049 (2020) [arXiv:2001.06493].
  3. D. Luitz, I. M. Khaymovich, Y. Bar Lev, «Multifractality and its role in anomalous transport in disordered XXZ spin-chain»,
    SciPost Phys. Core 2, 006 (2020) [arXiv:1909.06380].
  4. G. De Tomasi, I. M. Khaymovich, «Multifractality meets entanglement: relation for non-ergodic extended states»,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 200602 (2020) [arXiv:2001.03173].
  5. I. M. Khaymovich, V. E. Kravtsov, B. L. Altshuler, L. Ioffe, «Fragile ergodic phases in logarithmically-normal Rosenzweig-Porter model», Phys Rev. Research 2, 043346 (2020)[arXiv:2006.04827].
  6. V. E. Kravtsov, I. M. Khaymovich, B. L. Altshuler, L. Ioffe, «Localization transition on the Random Regular Graph as an unstable tricritical point in a log-normal Rosenzweig-Porter random matrix ensemble.», [arXiv:2002.02979].


  1. J. P. Pekola, I. M. Khaymovich
    invited review «Thermodynamics in Single-Electron Circuits and Superconducting Qubits»,
    Annu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys. 10, 193−212 (2019) [arXiv:1812.06333].
  2. G. De Tomasi, M. Amini, S. Bera, I. M. Khaymovich, V. E. Kravtsov, «Survival probability in Generalized Rosenzweig-Porter random matrix ensemble"
    SciPost Phys. 6, 014 (2019) [arXiv:1805.06472].
  3. I. M. Khaymovich, M. Haque, and P. McClarty «Eigenstate Thermalization, Random Matrix Theory and Behemoths»,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 070601 (2019) [arXiv:1806.09631].
  4. S. Singh, É. Roldán, I. Neri, I. M. Khaymovich, D. S. Golubev, V. F. Maisi, J. T. Peltonen, F. Jülicher, J. P. Pekola, «Extreme reductions of entropy in an electronic double dot»,
    Phys. Rev. B 99, 115422 (2019) [arXiv:1712.01693]
  5. P. Nosov, I. M. Khaymovich, V. E. Kravtsov, «Correlation-induced localization»
    Phys. Rev. B 99, 104203 (2019) Editor’s suggestion [arXiv:1810.01492]
  6. A. V. Samokhvalov, I. A. Shereshevskii, N. K. Vdovicheva, M. Taupin, I. M. Khaymovich, J. P. Pekola, A. S. Mel’nikov, «Electronic structure of mesoscopic superconducting disc: Quasiparticle tunneling between the giant vortex core and the disk edge»,
    Phys. Rev. B 99, 134512 (2019) [arXiv:1901.01263]
  7. A. Mandaiya and I. M. Khaymovich, «Time-reversal symmetric Crooks and Gallavotti-Cohen fluctuation relations in driven classical Markovian systems»,
    J. Stat. Mech. (2019) 054006 [arXiv:1812.11144]
  8. S. Singh, P. Menczel, D. S. Golubev, I. M. Khaymovich, J. T. Peltonen, C. Flindt, K. Saito, É. Roldán, J. P. Pekola «Universal First-Passage-Time Distribution of Non-Gaussian Currents"
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 230602 (2019) [arXiv:1809.06870]
  9. P. A. Nosov, I. M. Khaymovich,
    «Robustness of delocalization to the inclusion of soft constraints in long-range random models»,
    Phys. Rev. B 99, 224208 (2019) [arXiv:1904.11509].
  10. A. Bäcker, I. M. Khaymovich, M. Haque,
    «Multifractal dimensions for chaotic quantum maps and many-body systems»,
    Phys. Rev. E 100, 032117 (2019) [arxiv:1905.03099].
  11. V. L. Vadimov, I. M. Khaymovich, and A. S. Mel’nikov,
    «Higgs modes in superconducting systems with proximity effect»,
    Phys. Rev. B 100, 104515 (2019) [arxiv:1906.02751].


  1. S. Nakamura, Y. A. Pashkin, M. Taupin, V. F. Maisi, I. M. Khaymovich, A. S. Mel’nikov, J. T. Peltonen, J. P. Pekola, Y. Okazaki, S. Kashiwaya, S. Kawabata, A. S. Vasenko, J.-S. Tsai, N.-H. Kaneko «Interplay of the inverse proximity effect and magnetic field in out-of-equilibrium single-electron devices», Phys. Rev. Applied 7, 054021 (2017) [arXiv:1612.04116].
  2. I. M. Khaymovich, J. P. Pekola, A. S. Mel’nikov «Nonlocality and dynamic response of Majorana states in fermionic superfluids», New J. Phys. 19, 123026 (2017) [arXiv:1606.09546].
  3. A. A. Kopasov, I. M. Khaymovich, A. S. Mel’nikov «Inverse proximity effect in semiconductor Majorana nanowires», Beilstein J. Nanotechnol., 9, 1184 (2018) [arXiv: 1803.10268].
  4. S. Roy, I. M. Khaymovich, A. Das, R. Moessner «Multifractality without fine-tuning in a Floquet quasiperiodic chain», SciPost Phys. 4, 025 (2018) [arXiv:1706.05012].
  5. S. Bera, G. De Tomasi, I. M. Khaymovich, A. Scardicchio, «Return Probability for the Anderson model on the Random Regular Graph»,
    Phys. Rev. B 98, 134205 (2018) [arXiv:1805.12354].


  1. M. Taupin, I. M. Khaymovich, M. Meschke, A. S. Mel’nikov, J. P. Pekola «Tunable quasiparticle trapping in Meissner and vortex states of mesoscopic superconductors»,
    Nature Communications 7: 10977 (2016) [arXiv:1506.09165].
  2. D. M. T. van Zanten, D. M. Basko, I. M. Khaymovich, J. P. Pekola, H. Courtois, C. B. Winkelmann «Single quantum level electron turnstile»,
    Physical Review Letters 116, 166801 (2016), Editor’s suggestion [arXiv:1601.02469].
  3. I. M. Khaymovich, D. M. Basko «Recovery of a SINIS turnstile accuracy in a strongly non-equilibrium regime»,
    Phys. Rev. B 94, 165158 (2016), [arXiv:1607.08800].
  4. S. Singh, J. T. Peltonen, I. M. Khaymovich, J. V. Koski, C. Flindt, J. P. Pekola «Distribution of Current Fluctuations in a Bistable Conductor»,
    Phys. Rev. B 94, 241407® (2016) [arXiv:1606.06839].


  1. I.M. Khaymovich, J.V. Koski, O.-P. Saira, V.E. Kravtsov, and J.P. Pekola «Multifractality of random eigenfunctions and generalization of Jarzynski equality»,
    Nature Communications 6: 7010 (2015) [arXiv:1411.1852].
  2. I. M. Khaymovich, V. F. Maisi, J. P. Pekola, and A. S. Mel’nikov «Charge-vortex interplay in a superconducting Coulomb-blockaded island»,
    Phys. Rev. B 92, 020501® (2015) [arxiv:1502.00272].
  3. A. V. Feshchenko, L. Casparis, I. M. Khaymovich, D. Maradan, O.-P. Saira, M. Palma, M. Meschke, J. P. Pekola, D. M. Zumbühl «Tunnel junction thermometry down to millikelvin temperatures»,
    Physical Review Applied 4, 034001 (2015) [arXiv:1504.03841].
  4. V. E. Kravtsov, I. M. Khaymovich, E. Cuevas, M. Amini «A random matrix model with localization and ergodic transitions»,
    New Journal of Physics 17, 122002 (2015) [arXiv:1508.01714].
  5. J. V. Koski, A. Kutvonen, I. M. Khaymovich, T. Ala-Nissila, J. P. Pekola «On-chip Maxwell’s demon as an information-powered refrigerator»,
    Physical Review Letters 115, 260602 (2015), Editor’s Suggestion, Physics Viewpoint, Nature Nanodevices Research Highlights, Physics World, Science News [arXiv:1507.00530].


  1. I. M. Khaymovich, A. S. Mel’nikov, and A. I. Buzdin «Phase transitions in the domain structure of ferromagnetic superconductors», Physical Review B 89, 094524 (2014) [arXiv:1401.2806].
  2. N. B. Kopnin, I. M. Khaymovich, and A. S. Mel’nikov «Predicted multiple cores of a magnetic vortex threading a two-dimensional metal proximity-coupled to a superconductor»
    Physical Review Letters 110, 027003 (2013) [arXiv:1206.3169].
  3. N. B. Kopnin, I. M. Khaymovich, and A. S. Mel’nikov «Vortex Matter in Low-Dimensional Systems with Proximity-Induced Superconductivity»
    ZhETF, Vol. 144, No. 3, p. 486 (JETP, Vol. 117, No. 3 p. 418) [arXiv:1304.2319].
  4. I. M. Khaymovich, N. M. Chtchelkatchev, and V. M. Vinokur, «Interplay of Superconductivity and Topological Order in HgTe Quantum Wells"
    J. Sup. Nov. Magn. 26, 2881 (2013).
  5. I. M. Khaymovich, N. M. Chtchelkatchev, and V. M. Vinokur «Instability of topological order and localization of edge states in HgTe quantum wells coupled to s-wave superconductor» Physical Review B 84, 075142 (2011) [arXiv:1104.3499].
  6. I. M. Khaymovich, N. M. Chtchelkatchev, I. A. Shereshevskii, A. S. Mel’nikov «Andreev transport in two-dimensional normal-superconducting systems in strong magnetic fields» Europhysics Letters 91, 17005 (2010) [arXiv:1004.3648].
  7. I. M. Khaymovich, M. A. Silaev «Magnetic resonance within vortex cores in the B phase of superfluid 3He"Physical Review B 82, 094507 (2010) [arXiv:1005.3905].
  8. I. M. Khaymovich, N. B. Kopnin, A. S. Mel’nikov, I. A. Shereshevskii «Vortex Core States in Superconducting Graphene» Physical Review B 79, 224506 (2009) [arXiv:0812.3798].
  9. V. L. Bratman, P. B. Makhalov, A. É. Fedotov, I. M. Khaimovich «Excitation of orotron oscillations at the doubled frequency of a surface wave»,
    Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics. V. 50. No 10−11, 780 (2007).

Contact detail

E-mails: hai@ipmras. ru, ivan.khaymovich@su.se

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E-mail: director@ipmras.ru

Address: Academicheskaya Str., 7, Afonino, Nizhny Novgorod region, Kstovsky district, Kstovo region, 603087, Russia

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Fax: +7 831 4179464,
Mail address: GSP-105, Nizhny Novgorod, 603950, Russia