Список публикаций оппонента Погосов В.В.
1. Remizov, S. V. E., Zhukov, A. A., Pogosov, W. V., & Lozovik, Y. E. Analog-Digital Quantum Simulation of the Dicke Model with Superconducting Circuits. JETP Letters, 108 (11), 748−753, (2018).
2. Zhukov, A. A., Remizov, S. V. E., Pogosov, W. V., Shapiro, D. S., & Lozovik, Y. E. Superconducting Qubit Systems as a Platform for Studying Effects of Nonstationary Electrodynamics in a Cavity. JETP Letters, 108 (1), 63−70, (2018).
3. Zhukov, A. A., Shapiro, D. S., Pogosov, W. V., & Lozovik, Y. E. Dynamics of a mesoscopic qubit ensemble coupled to a cavity: Role of collective dark states. Physical Review A, 96 (3), 033804, (2017).
4. Zhukov, A. A., Shapiro, D. S., Remizov, S. V., Pogosov, W. V., & Lozovik, Y. E. Superconducting qubit in a nonstationary transmission line cavity: Parametric excitation, periodic pumping, and energy dissipation. Physics Letters A, 381 (6), 592−596, (2017).
5. Zhukov, A. A., Shapiro, D. S., Pogosov, W. V., & Lozovik, Y. E. Dynamical Lamb effect versus dissipation in superconducting quantum circuits. Physical Review A, 93 (6), 063845, (2016).
6. Shapiro, D. S., Zhukov, A. A., Pogosov, W. V., & Lozovik, Y. E. Dynamical Lamb effect in a tunable superconducting qubit-cavity system. Physical Review A, 91 (6), 063814, (2015).
7. Pogosov, W. V. Applicability of Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory to small-sized superconductors: Role of Cooper-pair binding energy. Solid State Communications, 207, 1−4,(2015).
8. Bork, L. V., & Pogosov, W. V. Particle-hole duality, integrability, and Russian doll BCS model. Nuclear Physics B, 897, 405−420, (2015).