
Список публикаций оппонента: Горай Л.И.

д.ф.-м.н., главный научный сотрудник, Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение высшего образования и науки «Санкт-Петербургский национальный исследовательский Академический университет Российской академии наук»

  1. L.I. Goray and M.N. Lubov, «Nonlinear Continual Growth Model of Nonuniformly Scaled Reliefs as Applied to the Rigorous Analysis of the X-ray Scattering Intensity of Multilayer Mirrors and Gratings," // Journal of Surface Investigation. X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques, Vol. 8, No. 3, P. 444−455 (2014)
  2. D.L. Voronov, L.I. Goray, T. Warwick, V.V. Yashchuk and H.A. Padmore, «High-order multilayer coated blazed gratings for high resolution soft x-ray spectroscopy," Opt. Express 23 (4), 4771−4790 (2015)
  3. L. Goray and M. Lubov, «Analysis of mirror soft-x-ray-EUV scattering using generalized continuous growth model of multiscale reliefs," Opt. Express 23 (8), 10703−10713 (2015)
  4. L.I. Gorai, A.D. Buravlev and S.A. Ponyaev, «Modeling the Antireflective Properties of Composite Materials Based on Semiconductor Filamentary Nanocrystals," Tech. Phys. Let. 41 (7), 624−627 (2015)
  5. G. Pozina, M.A. Kaliteevski, E.V. Nikitina, D.V. Denisov, N.K. Polyakov, E.V. Pirogov, L.I. Goray, A.R. Gubaydullin, K.A. Ivanov, N.A. Kaliteevskaya, A.Yu. Egorov and S.J. Clark, «Super-radiant mode in InAs—monolayer-based Bragg structures," Scientific Reports 5, 14911−1-7 (2015)
  6. H. Marlowe, R.L. McEntaffer, C.T. Deroo, D.M. Miles, J.H. Tutt, L.I. Goray, F. Scholze, A.F. Herrero, C. Laubis, and V. Soltwisch, «Modeling and Empirical Characterization of thePolarization Response of Off-plane Reflection Gratings," Appl. Opt. 55, 5548−5553 (2016)
  7. L.I. Goray, A.Yu. Egorov Breaking the efficiency limit for high-frequency blazed multilayer soft x-ray gratings: Conical vs classical diffraction // Applied Physics Letters 109 (10), 103502 (2016)
  8. L. Goray, W. Jark, D. Eichert, «Rigorous calculations and synchrotron radiation measurements of diffraction efficiencies for tender X-ray lamellar gratings: conical versus classical diffraction," Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 25 (6), 1683−1693 (2018)

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