
Пятаков Александр Павлович

доктор физико-математических наук, профессор, кафедра физики колебаний, Физический факультет, Московский государственный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова

Список публикаций

  1. Pyatakov, A.P., Magnetoelectricity goes local: From bulk multiferroic crystals to ferroelectricity localized on magnetic topological textures, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 542, pp. 59−62. (2018)
  2. Zverev, V.I., Pyatakov, A.P., Shtil, A.A., Tishin, A.M., Novel applications of magnetic materials and technologies for medicine, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 459, pp. 182−186. (2018)
  3. Kulikova, D.P., Gareev, T.T., Nikolaeva, E.P., Kosykh, T.B., Nikolaev, A.V., Pyatakova, Z.A., Zvezdin, A.K., Pyatakov, A.P., The Mechanisms of Electric Field-Induced Magnetic Bubble Domain Blowing, Physica Status Solidi — Rapid Research Letters, 12 (6), статья № 1800066, (2018)
  4. Pimentel, B., Caraballo-Vivas, R.J., Checca, N.R., Zverev, V.I., Salakhova, R.T., Makarova, L.A., Pyatakov, A.P., Perov, N.S., Tishin, A.M., Shtil, A.A., Rossi, A.L., Reis, M.S., Threshold heating temperature for magnetic hyperthermia: Controlling the heat exchange with the blocking temperature of magnetic nanoparticles, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 260, pp. 34−38. (2018)
  5. Pyatakov, A.P., Belotelov, V.I., Kulikova, D.P., Khokhlov, N.E., Pyatakova, Z.A., Nikolaev, A.V., Magnetoelectricity in topological magnetic textures, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 440, pp. 60−62. (2017)
  6. Salakhova, R.T., Pyatakov, A.P., Zverev, V.I., Pimentel, B., Vivas, R.J.C., Makarova, L.A., Perov, N.S., Tishin, A.M., Shtil, A.A., Reis, M.S., The frequency dependence of magnetic heating for La0.75Sr0.25MnO3 nanoparticles, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,. Article in Press. (2017)
  7. Khokhlov, N.E., Khramova, A.E., Nikolaeva, E.P., Kosykh, T.B., Nikolaev, A.V., Zvezdin, A.K., Pyatakov, A.P., Belotelov, V.I., Electric-field-driven magnetic domain wall as a microscale magneto-optical shutter, Scientific Reports, 7 (1), статья № 264, (2017)
  8. Tishin, A.M., Shtil, A.A., Pyatakov, A.P., Zverev, V.I., Developing antitumor magnetic hyperthermia: Principles, materials and devices, Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery, 11 (4), pp. 360−375. (2016)
  9. Kulikova, D.P., Pyatakov, A.P., Nikolaeva, E.P., Sergeev, A.S., Kosykh, T.B., Pyatakova, Z.A., Nikolaev, A.V., Zvezdin, A.K., Nucleation of magnetic bubble domains in iron garnet films by means of an electric probe, JETP Letters, 104 (3), pp. 197−200. (2016)
  10. Pyatakov, A.P., Sergeev, A.S., Mikailzade, F.A., Zvezdin, A.K., Spin flexoelectricity and chiral spin structures in magnetic films, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 383, pp. 255−258 (2015)
  11. Sechin, D.A., Nikolaeva, E.P., Pyatakov, A.P., Nikolaev, A.B., Kosykh, T.B., The influence of the magnetic field on electrically induced domain wall motion, Solid State Phenomena, 233−234, pp. 443−446. (2015)
  12. Pyatakov, A.P., Sergeev, A.S., Nikolaeva, E.P., Kosykh, T.B., Nikolaev, A.V., Zvezdin, K.A., Zvezdin, A.K., Micromagnetism and topological defects in magnetoelectric media, Physics-Uspekhi, 58 (10), pp. 981−992. (2015)
  13. Elkhova, T.M., Gun’ko, Y.K., Pyatakov, A.P., Spichkin, Y.I., Dawson, K., Tishin, A.M., The expeimental setup for measuring of thermal parameters of magnetic fluids in AC magnetic field, Solid State Phenomena, 215, pp. 454−458. (2014)

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