
Публикации ведущей организации

  1. Pudalov V. M., Morgun L. A., Kuntsevich A. Yu. Probing Spontaneous Spin Magnetization and Two-Phase State in Two-Dimensional Correlated Electron System //Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism. — 2017. — V. 30. — P. 783−787.
  2. Gayduchenko I. A. et al. Manifestation of plasmonic response in the detection of sub-terahertz radiation by graphene-based devices //Nanotechnology. — 2018. — V. 29. — P. 245204.
  3. Kuntsevich A. Yu., Shupletsov A. V., Minkov G. M. Simple mechanisms that impede the Berry phase identification from magneto-oscillations //Physical Review B. — 2018. — V. 97. — P. 195431.
  4. Belykh V. V. et al. Quantum interference controls the electron spin dynamics in n-GaAs //Physical Review X. — 2018. — V. 8. — P. 031021.
  5. Pudalov V. M. et al. On the origin of the temperature dependence of spin susceptibility in correlated 2D electron system //Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. — 2018. — V. 459. — P. 265−267.
  6. Pudalov V. M. et al. Probing spin susceptibility of a correlated two-dimensional electron system by transport and magnetization measurements //Physical Review B. — 2018. — V. 98. — P. 155109.
  7. Kochiev M. V. et al. Jitter of condensation time and dynamics of spontaneous symmetry breaking in a gas of microcavity polaritons //Physical Review B. — 2019. — V. 99. — P. 035310.
  8. Belykh V. V., Yakovlev D. R., Bayer M. Radiofrequency driving of coherent electron spin dynamics in n-GaAs detected by Faraday rotation //Physical Review B. — 2019. — V. 99. — P. 161205.
  9. Belykh V. V. et al. Anomalous magnetic suppression of spin relaxation in a two-dimensional electron gas in a GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well //Physical Review B. — 2020. — V. 101. — P. 235307.
  10. Belykh V. V., Sob’yanin D. N., Korotneva A. R. Resonant spin amplification meets electron spin resonance in n-GaAs //Physical Review B. — 2020. — V. 102. — P. 075201.
  11. Kuntsevich A. Yu. et al. Density of states measurements for the heavy subband of holes in HgTe quantum wells //Physical Review B. — 2020. — V. 101. — P. 085301.
  12. Kuntsevich A. Yu., Shupletsov A. V., Rakhmanov A. L. Simple mechanism that breaks the Hall-effect linearity at low temperatures //Physical Review B. — 2020. — V. 102. — P. 155426.
  13. Martanov S. G. et al. Making van der Waals Heterostructures Assembly Accessible to Everyone //Nanomaterials. — 2020. — V. 10. — P. 2305.

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