IPM RAS / Structure / Staff / Vodolazov Denis

Vodolazov Denis

Leading researcher of the Department for physics of superconductivity, PhD in Physics, doctor of science

Personal data

Born on 14 May, 1974 in Klin.

Research interests

non-equilibrium and non-stationary effects in superconductors.


  • 1991 — School #176 in Nizhniy Novgorod;
  • 1991−1996 — Faculty of physics of N. I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhniy Novgorod;
  • 1996−1999 — postgraduate student in N. I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhniy Novgorod (Department of theoretical physics)
  • June 2000 — defended PhD thesis: «the Influence of the edge barrier on the magnetic characteristics of superconductors of type II»
  • Doctor of physics and mathematics (June 2015, title of dissertation is «Resistive state and nonequlibrium effects in narrow superconducting films»)
  • Professor of RAS (Russian Academy of Science) — April 2018


  • 1999−2001- research associate, Nizhny Novgorod State University (NNGU), chair of theoretical physics
  • 2001−2004 — postdoctoral researcher, group of Prof. F. M. Peeters, University of Antwerp, Belgium
  • 2004−2016 — research associate of the IPMRAS
  • 2017- present time — leading researcher, IPMRAS


  • Reversal of Nonlocal Vortex Motion in the Regime of Strong Nonequilibrium / F. Otto, A. Bilusic, D. Babic, D. Yu. Vodolazov, C. Seurgers, and C. Strunk, «Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 027005 (2010)
  • Strong influence of a magnetic layer on the critical current of Nb bridge in finite magnetic fields due to surface barrier effect / D. Y. Vodolazov, B. A. Gribkov, A. Yu. Klimov, V. V. Rogov and S. N. Vdovichev, Appl. «Phys. Lett. 94, 012508 (2009)
  • Negative magnetoresistance and phase slip process in superconducting nanowires / D. Y. Vodolazov, Phys. Rev. B 75, 184517 (2007)
  • Rearrangement of the vortex lattice due to the instabilities of the vortex flow / D. Y. Vodolazov and F. M. Peeters, «Phys. Rev. B 76, 014521 (2007)
  • Current-voltage characteristics of quasi-one-dimensional superconductors: An S-shaped curve in the constant voltage regime / D. Y. Vodolazov, F. M. Peeters, L. Piraux, S. Matefi-Tempfli, and S. Michotte, «Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 157001 (2003)
  • Dynamic transitions between metastable states in a superconducting ring / D. Y. Vodolazov and F. M. Peeters, «Phys. Rev. B 66, 054537 (2002)
  • Effect of surface defects on the first field for vortex entry in type-II superconductors / D. Y. Vodolazov, Phys. Rev. B 62, 8691 (2000)
  • Photon detection by current-carrying superconducting film: A time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau approach / A. Zotova N. and D. Y. Vodolazov, Phys. Rev. B 85, 024509 (2012)
  • D. Yu. Vodolazov, Single-photon detection by a dirty current-carrying superconducting strip based on the kinetic-equation approach, Physical Review Applied, 7, 034014 (2017)
  • D. Yu. Vodolazov, A. Yu. Aladyshkin, E. E. Pestov, S. N. Vdovichev, S. S. Ustavshikov, M. Yu. Levichev, A. V. Putilov, P. A. Yunin, A. I. El’kina, N. N. Bukharov and A. M. Klushin, Peculiar superconducting properties of a thin film superconductor-normal metal bilayer with large ratio of resistivities, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 31, 115004 (2018)
  • S.V. Mironov, D.Y. Vodolazov, Y. Yerin, A.V. Samokhvalov, A.S. Mel’nikov, A. Buzdin, Temperature Controlled Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov Instability in Superconductor-Ferromagnet Hybrids, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 077002 (2018)

Contact detail

Phone: +7 (831) 417-94-85 +257

E-mail: vodolazov@ipmras.ru

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E-mail: director@ipmras.ru

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