IPM RAS / Structure / Staff / Pozdnyakova Vera

Pozdnyakova Vera

Research associate of the Department for physics of superconductivity, PhD in Physics.

Personal data

Born on 12 September, 1966 in Nizhniy Novgorod

Research interests

Computational mathematics, mathematical modeling.


  • 1983 — graduated from School #44 in Nizhniy Novgorod;
  • 1988 — graduated with honors from the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of;
  • 2001 — PhD in Physics (thesis — «Mathematical modeling of the statistical characteristics of signals in randomly inhomogeneous single-mode fibers«, supervisor — I. A. Shereshevskiy)


  • 1988−1994 — trainee researcher, and then junior research associate of the IAP RAS;
  • 1994−2002 — junior research associate of the IPM RAS;
  • 2002-present — research associate of the IPM RAS.


  • Frequency self-upshifting of focused electromagnetic pulse producing gas ionization / V. B. Gil'denburg, V. I. Pozdnjakova, I. A. Shereshevskii, Physics Letters A 203, 214 (1995);
  • Ionization-induced leaking-mode channeling of intense short laser pulses in gase / A. M. Sergeev, M. Lontno, A. V. Kim, V. B. Gildenburg, M. D. Chernobrovtseva, V. I. Pozdnjakova, I. A. Shereshevskii, Laser and Particle Beams 17 (1), 129 (1999);
  • Dynamics and transformations of the Josephson vortex lattice in layered superconductors / D. A. Ryndyk, I. A. Shereshevskii, N. K. Vdovicheva, V. I. Pozdnjakova, Phys. Rev. B 64, 052508 (2001);
  • Random Groups in the Optical Waveguides Theory / G. B. Malykin, V. I. Pozdnjakova, I. A. Shereshevskii, Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 8 (4), 491 (2001);
  • Nonstationary interaction of a high-spin molecule or a rare earth metal ion with an acoustic wave and an alternating current magnetic field / I. D. Tokman, G. A. Vugalter, A. I. Grebneva, V. I. Pozdnjakova, Rhysical Review B 68, 174426 (2003);
  • Giant oscillations of energy levels in mesoscopic superconductors / N. B. Kopnin, A. S. Mel’nikov, D. A. Ryzhov, V. I. Pozdnjakova, I. A. Shereshevskii, V. M. Vinokur, Physical Review Letters 95, 197002 (2005);
  • Enhanced vortex heat conductance in mesoscopic superconductors/ N. B. Kopnin, A. S. Mel’nikov, D. A. Ryzhov, V. I. Pozdnjakova, I. A. Shereshevskii, V. M. Vinokur, Physical Review B 75, 024514 (2007);
  • Electromagnetic superradiance from single-moleculemagnets in the presence of classical driving magnetic field / I. D. Tokman, G. A. Vugalter, A. V. Shvetsov, V. I. Pozdnjakova, Rhysical Review B 77, 094414 (2008);
  • Simulation of multipactor thresholds in shielded microstrip lines / V. E. Semenov, E. I. Rakova, A. G. Sazontov, I. M. Nefedov, V. I. Pozdnjakova, I. A. Shereshevskii, D. Anderson, M. Lisak, J. Puech, Journal of Phisics D: Applied Physics 42, 205204 (2009);
  • Acoustic Faraday effect and the circular magnetic dichroism effect in single molecule magnets / I. D. Tokman, V. I. Pozdnjakova, A. I. Beludanova, Phys. Rev. B 83, 014405 (2011);

Contact detail

Phone: +7 (831) 417-94-95 +256

E-mail: vera@ipmras.ru

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