IPM RAS / Structure / Staff / Ryzhov Denis

Ryzhov Denis

Scientific secretary, PhD in Physics.

Personal data

Born on 10 June, 1976

Research interests

Superconductivity, mesoscopic, mixed states, superconductor-ferromagnet structures.


  • 1994 — 1999 — study in N. I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhniy Novgorod, faculty of radionphysics;
  • 1999 — 2002 — post graduate study in IPM RAS;
  • 2004 — PhD in Physics (thesis — «Structure and properties of bound vortex states in type II superconductors», supervisor — A. S. Mel’nikov).


  • 2005 — present — engineer, junior research associate, research associate of the IPM RAS, scientific secretary of the IPM RAS;


  • Nonsingular vortices in (d+s)-wave superconductors / A. S. Mel’nikov, I. M. Nefedov, D. A. Ryzhov, I. A. Shereshevskii, P. P. Vysheslavtsev, Physical Review B 62 (17), 11820 (2000).
  • Structure of tilted vortices and angular dependence of lower critical field in anisotropic (d+s)-wave superconductors / A. S. Bystrov, A. S. Mel’nikov, D. A. Ryzhov, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte 13 (26), 6005 (2001).
  • Vortex states and magnetization curve of square mesoscopic superconductors / A. S. Mel’nikov, I. M. Nefedov, D. A. Ryzhov, I. A. Shereshevskii, V. M. Vinokur, P. P. Vysheslavtsev, Physical Review B 65 (14), 140503® (2002).
  • Little-Parks effect and multiquanta vortices in a hybrid superconductor — ferromagnet system / A. Yu. Aladyshkin, A. S. Mel’nikov, D. A. Ryzhov, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 15 (38), 6591 (2003).
  • Domain wall superconductivity in ferromagnetic superconductors and hybrid S/F structures / A. Yu. Aladyshkin, A. I. Buzdin, A. A. Fraerman, A. S. Mel’nikov, D. A. Ryzhov, A. V. Sokolov, Physical Review B 68 (18), 184508 (2003).
  • Giant oscillations of energy levels in mesoscopic superconductors / N. B. Kopnin, A. S. Mel’nikov, V. I. Pozdnyakova, D. A. Ryzhov, I. A. Shereshevskii, V. M. Vinokur, Physical Review Letters 95 (19), 197002 (2005);
  • Domain wall superconductivity in ferromagnetic superconductors and hybrid S/F structures / A. Yu. Aladyshkin, A. I. Buzdin, A. A. Fraerman, A. S. Mel’nikov, D. A. Ryzhov, A. V. Sokolov, Theory of Quantum Transport in Metallic and Hybrid Nanostructures (NATO Science Series I. I.: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry), Eds. A. Glatz, V. I. Kozub, V. M. Vinokur, pp. 209−214, Springer (2006);
  • Enhanced vortex heat conductance in mesoscopic superconductors / N. B. Kopnin, A. S. Mel’nikov, V. I. Pozdnyakova, D. A. Ryzhov, I. A. Shereshevskii, V. M. Vinokur, Physical Review B 75 (2), 024514 (2007);
  • Localized superconductivity and Little-Parks effect in superconductor/ferromagnet hybrids / A. Yu. Aladyshkin, D. A. Ryzhov, A. V. Samokhvalov, D. A. Savinov, A. S. Mel’nikov, and V. V. Moshchalkov, Physical Review B 75 (18) 184519 (2007);
  • Electronic structure and heat transport of multivortex configurations in mesoscopic superconductors / A. S. Mel’nikov, D. A. Ryzhov, and M. A. Silaev, Physical Review B 78 (6), 064513 (2008);
  • Local density of states around single vortices and vortex pairs: Effect of boundaries and hybridization of vortex core states / A. S. Mel’nikov, D. A. Ryzhov, and M. A. Silaev, Physical Review B 79 (13), 134521 (2009);

Contact detail

Phone: +7 (831) 417-94-59

E-mail: ryzhov@ipmras.ru

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