IPM RAS / Structure / Staff / Rumyantsev Vladimir

Rumyantsev Vladimir

Junior research associate of the Department for physics of semiconductors.

Personal data

Born on 9 August, 1988.

Research interests

Physics of semiconductors, physics of low-dimensional structures, photoconductivity, small impurities.


  • 2005 — the graduates of school #111, Nizhniy Novgorod;
  • 2005 — 2011 — Advanced School of General and Applied Physics of N. I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhniy Novgorod (Advanced School of General and Applied Physics of N. I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhniy Novgorod);
  • 2011 — present. — postgraduate student in IPM RAS.


  • 2009 — 2011 — electronic engineer of the Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, a student of the interfaculty base chair of «Physics of nanostructures and nanoelectronics»;
  • 2011 — present. — junior research associate of the IPM RAS, Nizhniy Novgorod.


  • Spectra and kinetics of THz photoconductivity in narrow-gap Hg1-xCdxTe (x < 0.2) epitaxial films / V. V. Rumyantsev, S. V. Morozov, K. E. Kudryavtsev, A. V. Antonov, V. I. Gavrilenko, S. A. Dvoretskii, N. N. Mikhailov, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 28 125007 (2013).

Contact detail

Phone: +7 (831) 417-94-82 +262

E-mail: rumyantsev@ipmras.ru

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