IPM RAS / Structure / Staff / Okhapkin Andrey

Okhapkin Andrey

Junior research associate of the Department for technology of nanostructures and devices.

Research interests

Plasma etching, quantum chemistry.


  • 2006 — 2012 — study in N. I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhniy Novgorod, Faculty of Chemistry;
  • 2012 — present — postgraduate study in IPM RAS;


  • 2012 — present — junior research associate of the IPM RAS;


  • Unusual Structure, Fluxionality and Mechanism of Carbonyl Hydrosilylation by the silyl hydride complex (ArN=)Mo (H)(SiH2Ph)(PMe3)3 /A. Y. Khalimon, S. K. Ignatov, A. I. Okhapkin, R. Simionescu, L. G. Kuzmina, J. A. K. Howard, and G. I. Nikonov, Chem. Eur. J. 19, 8573 (2013).

Contact detail

Phone: +7 909 2984359

E-mail: poa89@ipmras.ru

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