IPM RAS / Structure / Staff / Pakhomov Georgy

Pakhomov Georgy

pakhomov.jpgSenior research associate of the Department for technology of nanostructures and devices, PhD in Chemistry.

Personal data

Born on 24.11.1969 in Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia.

Research interests

Organic electronics, macroheterocycles, thin-film technologies.



School № 1 (Gorky)


Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (UNN), Faculty of Chemistry


  • 1986−1991 — the student of the faculty of chemistry of the University of Nizhniy Novgorod (N. I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhniy Novgorod);
  • 1991−1995 — postgraduate student of the Institute of chemical physics of RAS them. Mr… Mr… Semenova (Moscow);
  • 1996-the defense of candidate thesis on the speciality 02.00.04 physical chemistry (Institute of biochemical physics of RAS them. Mr… M. Emmanuel, Moscow);
  • 1996−1999 — engineer, of the Physical Technical Research Institute at N. I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhniy Novgorod;
  • 1999−2000-research associate, research Institute of Chemistry at the N. I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhniy Novgorod;
  • 2000−2001 — leading technologist of the IPM RAS;
  • 2001−2010 — research associate of the Department of 140 of the IPM RAS;
  • 2010−2012 — scientific Secretary of the IPM RAS;
  • 2012−2014 — research associate of the Department of 140 of the IPM RAS.
  • 2014−present — senior research associate of the Department of 140 of the IPM RAS.

Scientific visits

  • 1995−2003 — University of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain;
  • 2006−2007 — National Cheng Kung University, Tainan City, Taiwan.


  • J.M. Ribó, R. Rubires, Z. El-Hachemi, J.-A Farrera, L. Campos, G.L. Pakhomov, M. Vendrell «Self-assembly to ordered films of the homoassociate solutions of the tetrasodium salt of 5,10,15,20-tetrakis (4-sulfonatophenyl) porphyrin dihydrochloride» Materials Science and Engineering C 11 (2000) 107
  • G.L. Pakhomov, L.G. Pakhomov, V.I. Shashkin, J.M. Tura, J.M. Ribo, L. Ottaviano «Implantation and annealing effects in molecular organic films» Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 194 (2002) 269
  • G.L. Pakhomov, V.I. Shashkin, D.E. Pozdnyaev, C. Muller, J.-M. Ribo «AC measurements on binary phthalocyanine films» Organic Electronics 3 (2002) 93
  • G.L. Pakhomov «Conductivity measurements on phthalocyanine films: Evaporated vs. pressure contacts» Solid State Communications 134 (2005) 491
  • G.L. Pakhomov, E.S. Leonov, A.Yu. Klimov «Rectification and NIR photoresponse in p-Si/phthalocyanine/metal heterostructures» Microelectronics Journal 38 (2007) 682
  • T.-H. Lee, J.-C. Huang, G.L. Pakhomov, T.-F. Guo, T.-C. Wen, Y.-S. Huang, C.-C. Tsou, C.T. Chung, Y.-C. Lin, Y.-J. Hsu «Organic-Oxide Cathode Buffer Layer in Fabricating High-Performance Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes» Advanced Functional Materials 18 (2008) 1−7.
  • G.L. Pakhomov, M.N. Drozdov, V.V. Travkin «ToF-SIMS study of gold/phthalocyanine interface"Applied Surface Science 256 (2010) 1946
  • P.Y. Stakhira, I.I. Grygorchak, V.V. Cherpak, F.O. Ivastchyshyn, D.Y. Volynyuk, G. Luka, M. Godlewski, E. Guziewicz, G.L. Pakhomov, Z.Y. Hotra «Long time stability of ITO/NiPc/ZnO/Al devices with ZnO buffer layer formed by atomic layer deposition technique-impedance spectroscopy analysis» Materials Science and Engineering B 172 (2010) 272
  • M.A. Kriushkina, A.V. Borisov, G.L. Pakhomov, G.P. Shaposhnikov «Synthesis and properties of copper and cobalt phthalocyanine complexes fused with the nitrogen heterocyclic quinones» Russian Journal of General Chemistry 80 (2010): 2495−2500.
  • P.A. Stuzhin, M.S. Mikhailov, E.S. Yurina, M.I. Bazanov, O.I. Koifman, G.L. Pakhomov, V.V. Travkin, A.A. Sinelshchikova «First tellur-containing phthalocyanine analogues: Strong effect of tellurium on spectral, redox and conductivity properties of porphyrazines with annulated chalcogenodiazole ring (s)» Chemical Communications 48 (2012) 10135
  • M.N. Drozdov, Yu.N. Drozdov, G.L. Pakhomov, V.V. Travkin, P.A. Yunin, V.F. Razumov «Depth profiling of fullerene-containing structures by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry» Technical Physics Letters 39 (2013) 1097
  • G.L. Pakhomov, V.V. Travkin, A.N. Tropanova, A.I. Mashin, A.A. Logunov «Organic photovoltaic cells on polymeric substrates with buffer nanolayers» Nanotechnologies in Russia 9 (2014) 77
  • G.L. Pakhomov, V.V. Travkin, M.N. Drozdov, M.A. Lopatin, V.I. Shashkin «Reversal of rectification in fullerene-based cells» Synthetic Metals 195 (2014) 91
  • A.A. Maleev, A.P. Pushkarev, V.A. Ilichev, M.A. Lopatin, M.A. Samsonov, G.K. Fukin, G.L. Pakhomov, V.V. Travkin, I.D. Grishin, M.N. Bochkarev «Monophthalocyanine complexes of samarium and terbium with axial ligands: synthesis, structure and optoelectronic properties» Journal of rare earth 32 (2014) 1101
  • А.Yu. Lukyanov, M.P. Bubnov, N.A. Skorodumova, V.V. Travkin, G.L. Pakhomov, S.A. Korolyov, P.A. Yunin, V.K. Cherkasov «Electrical conductivity of vacuum deposited films and crystals of redox-isomeric о-semiquinonato cobalt complexes» Solid State Sciences 48 (2015) 13
  • V.V. Travkin, P.A. Stuzhin, A.I. Okhapkin, S.A. Korolyov, G.L. Pakhomov «Organic tandem Schottky junction cells with high open circuit voltage» Synthetic Metals 212 (2016) 51
  • V.V. Travki­­n, A.Yu. Luk’yanov, M.N. Drozdov, E.A. Vopilkin, P.A. Yunin, G.L. Pakhomov «Ultrathin metallic interlayers in vacuum deposited MoOx/metal/MoOx electrodes for organic solar cells» Applied Surface Science 390 (2016) 703

Contact detail

Phone: +7 (831) 417−94−73 (+203)

E-mail: pakhomov@ipmras.ru

© 2000—2025, IPM RAS.
E-mail: director@ipmras.ru

Address: Academicheskaya Str., 7, Afonino, Nizhny Novgorod region, Kstovsky district, Kstovo region, 603087, Russia

Phone: +7 831 4179473,
Fax: +7 831 4179464,
Mail address: GSP-105, Nizhny Novgorod, 603950, Russia