IPM RAS / Structure / Staff / Kurin Vladislav

Kurin Vladislav

Head of Superconductvity Department Kurin%202016%20spring%20cut.jpg

Recent publications

  • pdf documentV. V. Kurin, N.K.Vdovicheva, and I.A. Shereshevskii Josephson Traveling-Wave Antennas, Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics, Vol. 59, No. 11, p. 922−936, April, 2017 (Russian Original Vol. 59, No. 11, ñ. 1030−1046, November, 2016)
  • pdf documentpdf documentV. V. Kurin; A. M. Klushin; I. A. Shereshevskii; N. K. Vdovicheva, Simulation of Josephson antenna in 3D space, Proceedings of theInternational Conference DAYS on DIFFRACTION 2016, St. Petersburg, Russia, pp.259−264
  • pdf documentM A Galin, A M Klushin, V V Kurin, S V Seliverstov, M I Finke, G N Goltsman, F M? ller, T Scheller and A D Semenov, Towards local oscillators based on arrays of niobium Josephson junctions, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 28 (2015) 055002 (1,1 MB)
  • F. Song, M. Y. Levitchev, V. A. Markelov, V. V. Kurin L. Fang, A. M. Klushin, Millimeter-wavelength radiation from arrays of discrete high temperature superconductor Josephson junctions, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 23 (2010), 034026
  • A.M. Klushin M. He, M. Yu. Levitchev, V. V. Kurin, N. Klein, Optimization of the coupling of mm wave power to arrays of high-Tc Josephson junctions, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 97 (2008) 012268
  • A.V. Chiginev and V. V. Kurin, Interaction between optical phonons and Josephson vortices in layered superconductors and Superconductor Science andTechnology, 20 S34-S37 (2007)
  • S. V. Baryshev, E. E. Pestov, A. V. Bobyl, Yu. N. Nozdrin, and V. V. Kurin, Size of x-ray coherent region and nonlinear microwave response of epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7-xfilms, Phys. Rev. B 76, 054520 (2007)
  • Alexander A. Zharov and vladislav. perevozchikov V. Kurin, Giant resonant magneto-optic Kerr effect in nanostructured ferromagnetic metamaterials, J. Appl. «Phys. 102, 123514 (2007)
  • A. A. Abdumalikov, V. V. Kurin, C. Helm, A. De Col, Y. Koval, and A. V. Ustinov Nonlocal electrodynamics of long ultranarrow Josephson junctions: Experiment and theory «Phys. Rev. B 74, 134515 (2006)
  • A.V. Chiginev, V. V. Kurin, In-phase vortex flow and superradiance in Josephson superlattice embedded in a stripline, Phys. Rev. B 70, 214523−1−214523−10 (2004)
  • A.Yu. Aladyshkin, A. A. Andronov, E. E. Pestov, Yu. N. Nozdrin, V. V. Kurin, A.M. Cucolo, R. Monaco, M. Boffa, «Study of the nonlinear response of superconductors in the microwave band using a localtechnique, «Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics,
    46, 109, (2003)
  • A.V. Chiginev and V. V. Kurin, Instability of a rectangular vortex lattice in a stack of two long Josephson junctions «Phys. Rev. B 66, 052510 (2002)
  • V.V. Kurin, E. E. Pestov, Yu. N. Nozdrin, Nonlinear response of HTS films, IEEE transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 11, n.1, p. 131 (2001)
  • Flytzanis, N. Lazarides, A. Chiginev, V. Kurin, J-G. — Caputo, Dynamics of fluxons in narrow window junctions, J. Appl. Phys., v. 88, 4201 (2000)
  • A. Wallraff, A. Franz, V. Kurin and A. Ustinov, Wispering vortices, «Phys. Rev. Lett., v. 84, n.1, 151, (2000)
  • V.V. Kurin, A. V. Yulin, I. A. Shereshevskii, and N. K. Vdovicheva, Cherenkov Radiation of Vortices in a Two-dimensional Annular Josephson junction, Phys. Rev. Lett, 80, 15, 3372, 1998
  • V.V. Kurin, A. V. Yulin, Radiation of Linear Waves by Solitons in a Josephson Transmission Line with Dispersion «Phys. B Rev., 55, 9, 11659, 1997
  • A.P. Betenev and V. V. Kurin, the Radiation spectrum of a long Josephson flux-flow oscillator, Phys. Rev B, 56, 13, 7855, 1997-I
  • V.V. Kurin, A. V. Yulin, The echo effect in a Josephson junction array J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, {\\bf 7}, p. 9833, 1995
  • V.V. Kurin, A. I. Panfilov, Flux lines and lattices in superconductors with additional ordering, Physica C, v. 224, pp.277−285, 1994


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