IPM RAS / Structure / Staff / Garanina Oksana Evgenjevna

Garanina Oksana Evgenjevna

Scientific associate of the laboratory for the basics of the nanoelectronic component base of information technology (181)

Assistant lecturer of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases of Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Privolzhsky Research Medical University» of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Research associate and oncologist and of the Department of Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery at the University Clinic of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Privolzhsky Research Medical University» of the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation. PhD in medical sciences

Personal Information

Year of birth October 22, 1984

Scientific interests

Non-invasive methods of investigation in dermatology, dermatoscopy, skin tumors, dynamic observation and removal of benign skin neoplasms, reconstructive and plastic surgery of skin tumours, immune and target therapy of melanoma and photodynamic therapy of skin tumours

Education and professional career

  • 2008, Higher medical education, doctor specialty «Pediatrics». Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Privolzhsky Research Medical University» of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
  • 2008−2010 Residency in the specialty «Dermatovenereology» at the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Privolzhsky Research Medical University» of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. December, 2013 г. — defended a thesis for the degree of candidate of medical sciences on the topic «Optical coherent tomography: the effect of melanin on the parameters of the skin image, the possibilities in lifetime diagnosis and differential diagnosis of melanocytic nevi and melanoma»
  • 2011 professional retraining in the specialty «Cosmetology»
  • 2013 professional retraining in the specialty «Pedagogy and Psychology of Higher Education»
  • 2015−2016 Internship in Oncology at the Department of Oncology Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Privolzhsky Research Medical University» of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
  • 2016−2017 internship in the specialty «Surgery» at the Department of Surgery Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Privolzhsky Research Medical University» of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


  1. Petrova G.A., Shlivko I.L., Ellinsky D.O., Firsova M.S., Chekalkina O.E., Petrova K.S., Zorkina M.V., Kamensky V.A. The first experience of non-invasive diagnosis of preclinical morphological signs of skin atrophy using topical anti-inflammatory drugs. Modern problems of dermatovenerology, immunology and medical cosmetology, № 4, pp. 9−14 (2010)
  2. Petrova G.A., Firsova M.S., Shlivko I.L., Chekalkina O.E., Zorkina M.V., Petrova K.S. Experimental identification of OCT components -the images of the nail apparatus. Russian Journal of Skin and Sexually Transmitted Diseases, No. 5, pp. 45−48 (2010)
  3. Petrova G.A., Firsova M.S., Shlivko I.L., Zorkina M.V., Petrova K.S., Chekalkina O.E., Ellinsky D.O. The use of OCT in the evaluation of the nail apparatus in normal and pathological conditions. Medical Almanac, No. 2 April, pp. 305−308 (2010)
  4. Petrova G.A., Chekalkina O.E., Shlivko I.L., Agrba P.D., Petrova K.S., Firsova M.S., Ellinsky D.O. OCT: dependence of image parameters on the degree of skin pigmentation. Medical Almanac, No. 2 April, pp. 310−313 (2010)
  5. Petrova G.A., Shlivko I.L., Kamensky V.A., Donchenko E.V., Zorkina M.V., Ellinsky D.O., Chekalkina O.E. Comprehensive assessment of the age morphofunctional features of the skin of various anatomical localization. Russian Journal of Skin and Sexually Transmitted Diseases, No. 6, pp. 51−55 (2011)
  6. Petrova G.A., Shlivko I.L., Garanina O.E., Neznakhina M.S., Ellinsky D.O., Petrova K.S., Zorkina M.V., Kamensky V.A., Agrba P. .AT. Morphological and functional features of healthy skin of various anatomical accessories and phototypes. Russian Journal of Skin and Sexually Transmitted Diseases № 4, pp. 57−62 (2012)
  7. Shlivko I.L., Petrova G.A., Garanina O.E., Neznakhina M.S., Ellinsky D.O., Maksimova A.S. The effect of local corticosteroids and tacrolimus on the morpho-functional parameters of the skin of various phototypes. Journal of Dermatology and Venereology, № 6, pp. 75−82 (2012)
  8. Shlivko I.L., Petrova G.A., Chekalkina O.E., Zorkina M.V., Firsova M.S., Ellinsky D.O., Agrba P.D., Kamensky V.A., Donchenko E.V. Complex assessment of age-specific morphofunctional features of skin in different anatomic localizations. Skin Research and Technology, 2018 (0): 1−8, Printed in Singapore, All rights reserved doi: 10.1111/ j.1600−0849.2012.00613.x (2012)
  9. Garanina O.E., Petrova G.A., Orlinskaya N.Yu., Ilinskaya O.E., Petrova K.S., Neznakhina M.S. Optical coherent tomography in the diagnosis of melanocytic nevi. Clinical Dermatology and Venereology. 2018 (1): 37−43 (2018)
  10. Petrova G.A., Garanina O.E., Orlinskaya N.Yu., Ilinskaya O.E., Petrova K.S., Neznakhina M.S. Diagnosis of melanoma by optical coherent tomography. Clinical Dermatology and Venereology. 2018 (2): 87−93 (2018)
  11. Garanina O.E., Shlivko I.L., Klemenova I.A., Orlinskaya N.Yu., Gamayunov S.V., Davydova D.A., Korchagina K.S. Dermatoscopic predictors of the risk of recurrence of basal cell carcinoma of the skin. Clinical Dermatology and Venereology, v.17, n.4, p.79−90 (2018)
  12. Garanina O.E., Lebedeva O.E., Shlivko I.L., Klemenova I.A., Donchenko E.V., Dardyk M.V., S. Subramanian, Babushkina E.S., Kagan L.A. Early diagnosis of malignant neoplasms of the skin: a new look at solving the problem. Clinical Dermatology and Venereology, v.17, n, 5, p.101−108 (2018)

Contact Information

Phone: (831) 422−13−11
E-mail: oksanachekalkina@yandex.ru
ORCID ID: 0000−0002−7326−7553
Researcher ID: P-8082−2017
Author ID: 595215
H-index: 3

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