Andreyev Boris
Leading research associate of the Department for physics of semiconductors
Dr. Sci.
Personal data
Born on 2 August, 1946 in Komsomolsk (Ivanovo region)
Research interests
Physics of semiconductors, optical and photoelectrical properties of semiconductor Si, SiGe, InN structures, spectroscopy of defects and impurities in semiconductors
- School #1 in Komsomolsk (Ivanovo region) RUSSIA
- University the Faculty of physics of N. I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Department of theoretical physics.
- 1982 — PhD in Chemistry (thesis: «Investigation of volatile inorganic hydrides method of THz radiospectroscopy»)
- 2004 — Dr. Sci. in Physics (thesis — «Infrared spectroscopy of impurities in silicon and germany). A participant of 14 projects (leader in 6 projects) RFBR, a participant of 4 projects (leader of the group in 2 projects) INTAS, team leader in the project of the International scientific Fund, the participant of the project the Dutch research organization — RFBR. Published more than 200 works
- 1969 — 1971 — serve in the Army
- 1971 — 1983 — junior research associate of the Institute of Chemistry of High-Purity Substances RAS
- 1983 — 1997 — senior research associate, leading research associate of the Institute of Chemistry of High-Purity Substances RAS (since 1992. Institute of chemistry of high-purity substances of RAS)
- 1997 — senior research associate of the department for physics of semiconductors of the IPM RAS
- B.A. Andreev, A.V. Burenin, E. N. Karyakin, A.F. Krupnov, S.M. Shapin Submillimeter wave spectrum and molecular constants of N2O // J. Molec. Spectr. (1976) V. 62. P. 125
- B.A. Andreev, L.I. Gershtein, V.B. Ikonnikov, V.B. Shmagin Contactless method for recording photoconductivity spectra of semiconductors //Instruments and experimental techniques (1985) V. 28. P.691
- V.V. Parshin, R.B. Heidinger, B.A. Andreev, A.V. Gusev, V.B. Shmagin. Silicon as an advanced window material for high power gyrotrons//Journal of IR and MM Waves (1995). V. 16 (5).P. 863
- B.A.Andreev. V.B. Ikonnikov, E.B. Kozlov, T.M. Lifshits and V.B. Shmagin Contactless photothermal ionization spectroscopy of shallow defects in semiconductors. // Material Science Forum, (1994), V.43−147 P.1365
- V.V. Emtsev, B.A. Andreev, A. Misuik, W. Jung, and K. Schmalz Oxygen aggregation in Czochralski-grownsilicon heat treated at 450 C under compressive stress. // Appl. «Phys. Lett. (1997). V.71 (2). P.264
- V.V. Emtsev, N.A. Sobolev, B.A. Andreev, D.S. Poloskin, E. I. Shek Thermal donors in silicon doped with erbium // Solid State Phenomena (1997) V. 7 (8). P. 207
- B. Andreev, V. Chalkov, O. Gusev, A. Emel’yanov, Z. Krasil’nik, V. Kuznetsov, P. Pak, V. Shabanov, V. Shengurov, V. Shmagin, N. Sobolev, Stepikhova, M. S. Svetlov Realization of photo — and electroluminescent Si: Er structures by the method of sublimation molecular beam epitaxy (MOVPE) // Nanotechnology (2001). V. 13. P.97
- B.A. Andreev, T. Gregorkiewicz, Z.F. Krasil’nik, H. Przybylinska and N. Q. Vinh Observation of Zeeman effect in photoluminescence of Er3+ ion imbedded in crystalline silicon // Physica B: Condensed Matter (2001) V.308−310. P.340
- N.V. Abrosimov, B. Andreev, S. Egorov, H. G. Grimmeiss, Jantsch W., G. Kocher and A. Zabrodskii Alloy fluctuation in Si1- xGex crystals//Physica B: Condensed Matter (2001). V. 308−310. P.558
- Z.F. Krasilnik, V.Ya. Aleshkin, B.A. Andreev, A.B. Gusev, W. Jantsch, L.V. Krasilnikova, D.I. Krizhkov, V.P. Kuznetsov, V.G. Shengurov, V.B. Shmagin, N.A. Sobolev, M.V. Stepikhova, A.N. Yablonsky SMBE grown uniformely and selectively doped Si: Er structures for LEDs and lasers // in «Towards the first silicon laser» Eds. L. Pavesi, S. Gaponenko, L. Dal Negro, Kluwer Academic Publishers, (2003). P.445
- B.A. Andreev, V.V. Emtsev, D.I. Kryzhkov, D.I. Kuritsyn and V.B. Shmagin, Study of IR Absorption and Photoconductivity Spectra of Thermal Double Donors in Silicon //Physica status solidi.(b) (2003). V. 235 (1). P.79
- N.Q. Vinh, M. Klik, B.A. Andreev and T. Gregorkiewicz Spectroscopic either detail characterization of the Er-1 center in selectively doped silicon //Materials Science and Engineering b. (2003). V. 105. p.150
- A.A. Klochikhin, V.Yu. Davydov, V.V. Emtsev, A.V. Sakharov, V.A. Kapitonov, B.A. Andreev, Hai Lu, William J. Schaff Manifestation of the equilibrium hole distribution in photoluminescence of n-InN // Physica Status Solidi (b) (2005) V. 242 (4),. P. R33
- A.A. Klochikhin, V.Yu. Davydov, V.V. Emtsev, A.V. Sakharov, V.A. Kapitonov, B.A. Andreev, Hai Lu, William J. Schaff Acceptor states in photoluminescence of n-InN//Phys.Rev.B (2005), V.71, P.195207−1-16
- N.Q. Vinh, S. Minissale, B.A. Andreev and T. Gregorkiewicz The Auger process of luminescence quenching in Si/Si:Er multinanolayers// Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, (2005) V. 17. P. S2191
- B.A. Andreev, T. Gregorkiewicz, W. Jantsch, Z. F. Krasilnik, D. I. Kryzhkov and V. P. Kuznetsov 1.54 mm Si: Er light-emitting diode with memory function //Applied Physics Letters (2006).V.88, P. 201101
- T. Gregorkiewicz, B.A. Andreev, M. Forcales, I. Izeddin, W. Jantsch, Z.F. Krasil’nik, D.I. Kryzhkov, V.P. Kuznetsov, J.M. Zavada Er-doped electro-optical memory element for 1.5 mm silicon photonics // IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. (2006) V.12 (6), p.1539−1544
- P.G. Sennikov, S.V. Golubev, V.I. Shashkin, D.A. Pryakhin, M.N. Drozdov, B.A. Andreev, Y.N. Drozdov A.S.Kuznetsov, H.-J.Pohl. Production of nanocrystalline silicon layers using the plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition from the gas phase of silicon tetrafluoride// JETP Letters (2009). V. 89 (2), P.73
- B.A. Andreev, A.A. Ezhevskii, N.V. Abrosimov, P.G. Sennikov, and H.-J. Pohl Dependence of the Energy of the Resonance States of an Acceptor in Silicon on the Host Isotopic Mass// JETP Letters, (2009), V. 90 (6), P.455
- B.А. Andreev, А.А. Ezhevski, N.V. Abrosimov, P.G. Sennikov, H.-J. Pohl Isotopic effects in photoconductivity spectrum of impurities in silicon// Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter (2009).V.404. P.5057
- A.N. Yablonskiy, B.A. Andreev, D.I. Kryzhkov, L.V. Krasilnikova, V.P.Kuznetsov, Z.F. Krasilnik, Band-to-band and direct optical excitation of Er in silicon: Comparison of kinetics and temperature dependence of erbium PL //Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter (2009). V.404. P.4601
- B.A. Andreev, Z.F. Krasilnik, D.I. Kryzhkov, K.E. Kudryavtsev, V.P. Kuznetsov, The features of electro-optical memory effect for 1.54 micron electroluminescence of an Er doped Si diode // Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter (2009) V.404. P.4597
- A.N. Yablonskiy, B.A. Andreev, L.V. Krasilnikova, D.I. Kryzhkov, V.P. Kuznetsov, and Z.F. Krasilnik Specific Features of the Mechanisms of Excitation of Erbium Photoluminescence in Epitaxial Si: Er/Si Structures // Semiconductors, (2010)V. 44 (11). P.1472
- Yu.G. Sadofyev, N. Samal, B.A. Andreev, V.I. Gavrilenko, S.V. Morozov, A.G. Spivakov, and A.N. Yablonsky GaAsSb/GaAs Strained Structures with Quantum Wells for Lasers with Emission Wavelength near 1.3 μm Semiconductors // (2010). V. 44 (3), P. 405
- P. Sennikov, D. Pryakhin, B. Andreev, L. Gavrilenko, Yu. Drozdov, M. Drozdov, H.-J. Pohl, and V. Shashkin Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition of 99.95% 28Si in form of nano- and polycrystals using silicon tetrafluoride precursor // Crystal Research and Technology (2010) V.45 (9). P.983
- B.A. Andreev, Z.F. Krasilnik, D.I. Kryzhkov, V.P. Kuznetsov and A.N. Yablonskiy Determination of the Excitation Cross Section of Photoluminescencefrom an Er Ion in the Case of Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Optical Excitation // Semiconductors (2012), V. 46 (11), P.1372−1375
- B.A.Andreev, Z.F.Krasilnik, D.I. Kryzhkov, D.V.Shengurov, A.N.Yablonskiy Luminescent properties of MBE-grown Si: Er/SOI structures // Journal of Luminescence (2012). V.132. P.3148
- P.G.Sennikov, A.V.Vodopyanov, S.V.Golubev, D.A.Mansfeld, M. N. Drozdov, Yu.N.Drozdov, B.A.Andreev, L.V.Gavrilenko, D.A. Pryakhin, V.I.Shashkin, O.N.Godisov, A.I.Glasunov, A.Ju.Safonov, H.-J.Pohl, M.L.W.Thewalt, P. Becker, H. Riemann, N.V.Abrosimov, S. Valkiers Towards 0.99999 28Si // Solid state communications (2012) V.152 P. 455
- O.B. Gusev, A.V. Ershov, D.A. Grachev, B.A. Andreev, A.N. Yablonskiy Effect of surface Si-Si dimers on photoluminescence of silicon nanocrystals in silicon dioxide matrix // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, (2014) V.118 (5). P.728
- K.E.Kudryavtsev, D.I.Kryzhkov, L.V.Krasil'nikova, D.V.Shengurov, V.B.Shmagin, B.A.Andreev, and Z.F.Krasil'nik, Absorption Cross Section for the 4I15/2- 4I13/2 Transition of Er3+ in Si: Er:O/SOI Epitaxial Layers //JETP Letters (2014) V. 100 (12). P.807
- V.A. Ilichev, A.P. Pushkarev, R.V. Rumyantcev, A.N. Yablonskiy, T.V. Balashova, G.K. Fukin, D.F. Grishin, B.A. Andreev and M.N. Bochkarev Luminescent properties of 2-mercaptobenzothiazolates of trivalent lanthanides // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, (2015) V.17. P.11000
- N. Ermolaev, I. Lenin, G. Fukin, A. Shavyrin, M. Lopatin, O.V. Kuznetsova, B. Andreev, D. Kryzhkov, S. Ignatov, E. Chuhmanov, N. Berberova, K.Pashchenko. Tris (trifluoromethyl)germylethynyl Derivatives of Biphenyl and Anthracene: Synthesis, Structure, and Evidence of the Intramolecular Charge Transfer on the Germanium Center // Journal of Organometallic Chemistry (2015) V.797. P.83
- B.A. Andreev, A.N. Yablonskii, Z.F. Krasilnik, A.V. Ershov, D.A. Grachev, A.V. Gert, O.B. Gusev, I.N. Yassievich Exciton self-trapped on Si-Si-dimers on the surface of silicon nanocrystal: experimental evidence // Physica Status Solidi B, (2016) V.253 (11) P.2150
- T.V. Balashova, A.P. Pushkarev, A.N. Yablonskiy, B.A. Andreev, M.N. Bochkarev, Organic Er-Yb complexes as potential upconversion materials// Journal of Luminescence (2017) V.192, P.208
- P.A. Bushuykin, A.V. Novikov, B.A. Andreev, D.N. Lobanov, P.A. Yunin, E.V. Skorokhodov, L.V. Krasil’nikova, E.V. Demidov, G.M. Savchenko, and V.Yu. Davydov Specific Features of the Photoexcitation Spectra of Epitaxial InN Layers Grown by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy with the Plasma Activation of Nitrogen//Semiconductors, (2017) V. 51 (12), P. 1537
- A.P. Pushkarev, T.V. Balashova, A.A. Kukinov, M.V. Arsenyev, A.N. Yablonskiy, D.I. Kryzhkov, B.A. Andreev, R.V. Rumyantcev, G.K. Fukin, M.N. Bochkarev Sensitization of NIR luminescence of Yb3+ by Zn2+ chromophores in heterometallic complexes with a bridging Schiff-base ligand //Dalton Transaction (2017). V. 46. P.10408
- D.V. Yurasov, A.V. Antonov, M.N. Drozdov, P.A. Yunin, B.A. Andreev, P.A. Bushuykin, N.A. Baydakova, A.V. Novikov Structural and electrical properties of Ge-on-Si (001) layers with ultra heavy n-type doping grown by MBE // Journal of Crystal Growth (2018) V.491, P. 26
- P.A. Bushuykin, B.A. Andreev, V.Yu. Davydov, D.N. Lobanov, D.I. Kuritsyn, A.N.Yablonskiy, N.S. Averkiev, G.M. Savchenko, Z.F. Krasilnik New photoelectrical properties of InN: Interband spectra and fast kinetics of positive and negative photoconductivity of InN //Journal of Applied Physics (2018) V.123. P.195701
- B.A. Andreev, K.E. Kudryavtsev, A.N. Yablonskiy, D.N. Lobanov, P.A. Bushuykin, L.V. Krasilnikova, E.V. Skorokhodov, P.A. Yunin, A.V. Novikov, V. Yu Davydov, Z.F. Krasilnik Towards the indium nitride laser: obtaining infrared stimulated emission from planar monocrystalline InN structures // Scientific Reports (2018) V. 8 (1), P. 9454
- T.V. Balashova, M.E. Burin, V.A. Ilichev, A. A. Starikova, A.V. Marugin, R.V. Rumyantcev, G.K. Fukin, A.N. Yablonskiy, B.A. Andreev, M.N. Bochkarev Features of the Molecular Structure and Luminescence of Rare-Earth Metal Complexes with Perfluorinated (Benzothiazolyl)phenolate Ligands // Molecules (2019) V.24, P. 2376−0002−5692−0418
Contact detail
Phone: +7 (831) 417-94-81
Scopus Author ID: 7006388343
ResearcherID: B-1182−2008