IPM RAS / Structure / Staff / Andreyev Boris

Andreyev Boris

Leading research associate of the Department for physics of semiconductors
Dr. Sci. andreev.jpg

Personal data

Born on 2 August, 1946 in Komsomolsk (Ivanovo region)

Research interests

Physics of semiconductors, optical and photoelectrical properties of semiconductor Si, SiGe, InN structures, spectroscopy of defects and impurities in semiconductors


  • School #1 in Komsomolsk (Ivanovo region) RUSSIA
  • University the Faculty of physics of N. I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Department of theoretical physics.
  • 1982 — PhD in Chemistry (thesis: «Investigation of volatile inorganic hydrides method of THz radiospectroscopy»)
  • 2004 — Dr. Sci. in Physics (thesis — «Infrared spectroscopy of impurities in silicon and germany). A participant of 14 projects (leader in 6 projects) RFBR, a participant of 4 projects (leader of the group in 2 projects) INTAS, team leader in the project of the International scientific Fund, the participant of the project the Dutch research organization — RFBR. Published more than 200 works


  • 1969 — 1971 — serve in the Army
  • 1971 — 1983 — junior research associate of the Institute of Chemistry of High-Purity Substances RAS
  • 1983 — 1997 — senior research associate, leading research associate of the Institute of Chemistry of High-Purity Substances RAS (since 1992. Institute of chemistry of high-purity substances of RAS)
  • 1997 — senior research associate of the department for physics of semiconductors of the IPM RAS


  1. B.A. Andreev, A.V. Burenin, E. N. Karyakin, A.F. Krupnov, S.M. Shapin Submillimeter wave spectrum and molecular constants of N2O // J. Molec. Spectr. (1976) V. 62. P. 125
  2. B.A. Andreev, L.I. Gershtein, V.B. Ikonnikov, V.B. Shmagin Contactless method for recording photoconductivity spectra of semiconductors //Instruments and experimental techniques (1985) V. 28. P.691
  3. V.V. Parshin, R.B. Heidinger, B.A. Andreev, A.V. Gusev, V.B. Shmagin. Silicon as an advanced window material for high power gyrotrons//Journal of IR and MM Waves (1995). V. 16 (5).P. 863
  4. B.A.Andreev. V.B. Ikonnikov, E.B. Kozlov, T.M. Lifshits and V.B. Shmagin Contactless photothermal ionization spectroscopy of shallow defects in semiconductors. // Material Science Forum, (1994), V.43−147 P.1365
  5. V.V. Emtsev, B.A. Andreev, A. Misuik, W. Jung, and K. Schmalz Oxygen aggregation in Czochralski-grownsilicon heat treated at 450 C under compressive stress. // Appl. «Phys. Lett. (1997). V.71 (2). P.264
  6. V.V. Emtsev, N.A. Sobolev, B.A. Andreev, D.S. Poloskin, E. I. Shek Thermal donors in silicon doped with erbium // Solid State Phenomena (1997) V. 7 (8). P. 207
  7. B. Andreev, V. Chalkov, O. Gusev, A. Emel’yanov, Z. Krasil’nik, V. Kuznetsov, P. Pak, V. Shabanov, V. Shengurov, V. Shmagin, N. Sobolev, Stepikhova, M. S. Svetlov Realization of photo — and electroluminescent Si: Er structures by the method of sublimation molecular beam epitaxy (MOVPE) // Nanotechnology (2001). V. 13. P.97
  8. B.A. Andreev, T. Gregorkiewicz, Z.F. Krasil’nik, H. Przybylinska and N. Q. Vinh Observation of Zeeman effect in photoluminescence of Er3+ ion imbedded in crystalline silicon // Physica B: Condensed Matter (2001) V.308−310. P.340
  9. N.V. Abrosimov, B. Andreev, S. Egorov, H. G. Grimmeiss, Jantsch W., G. Kocher and A. Zabrodskii Alloy fluctuation in Si1- xGex crystals//Physica B: Condensed Matter (2001). V. 308−310. P.558
  10. Z.F. Krasilnik, V.Ya. Aleshkin, B.A. Andreev, A.B. Gusev, W. Jantsch, L.V. Krasilnikova, D.I. Krizhkov, V.P. Kuznetsov, V.G. Shengurov, V.B. Shmagin, N.A. Sobolev, M.V. Stepikhova, A.N. Yablonsky SMBE grown uniformely and selectively doped Si: Er structures for LEDs and lasers // in «Towards the first silicon laser» Eds. L. Pavesi, S. Gaponenko, L. Dal Negro, Kluwer Academic Publishers, (2003). P.445
  11. B.A. Andreev, V.V. Emtsev, D.I. Kryzhkov, D.I. Kuritsyn and V.B. Shmagin, Study of IR Absorption and Photoconductivity Spectra of Thermal Double Donors in Silicon //Physica status solidi.(b) (2003). V. 235 (1). P.79
  12. N.Q. Vinh, M. Klik, B.A. Andreev and T. Gregorkiewicz Spectroscopic either detail characterization of the Er-1 center in selectively doped silicon //Materials Science and Engineering b. (2003). V. 105. p.150
  13. A.A. Klochikhin, V.Yu. Davydov, V.V. Emtsev, A.V. Sakharov, V.A. Kapitonov, B.A. Andreev, Hai Lu, William J. Schaff Manifestation of the equilibrium hole distribution in photoluminescence of n-InN // Physica Status Solidi (b) (2005) V. 242 (4),. P. R33
  14. A.A. Klochikhin, V.Yu. Davydov, V.V. Emtsev, A.V. Sakharov, V.A. Kapitonov, B.A. Andreev, Hai Lu, William J. Schaff Acceptor states in photoluminescence of n-InN//Phys.Rev.B (2005), V.71, P.195207−1-16
  15. N.Q. Vinh, S. Minissale, B.A. Andreev and T. Gregorkiewicz The Auger process of luminescence quenching in Si/Si:Er multinanolayers// Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, (2005) V. 17. P. S2191
  16. B.A. Andreev, T. Gregorkiewicz, W. Jantsch, Z. F. Krasilnik, D. I. Kryzhkov and V. P. Kuznetsov 1.54 mm Si: Er light-emitting diode with memory function //Applied Physics Letters (2006).V.88, P. 201101
  17. T. Gregorkiewicz, B.A. Andreev, M. Forcales, I. Izeddin, W. Jantsch, Z.F. Krasil’nik, D.I. Kryzhkov, V.P. Kuznetsov, J.M. Zavada Er-doped electro-optical memory element for 1.5 mm silicon photonics // IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. (2006) V.12 (6), p.1539−1544
  18. P.G. Sennikov, S.V. Golubev, V.I. Shashkin, D.A. Pryakhin, M.N. Drozdov, B.A. Andreev, Y.N. Drozdov A.S.Kuznetsov, H.-J.Pohl. Production of nanocrystalline silicon layers using the plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition from the gas phase of silicon tetrafluoride// JETP Letters (2009). V. 89 (2), P.73
  19. B.A. Andreev, A.A. Ezhevskii, N.V. Abrosimov, P.G. Sennikov, and H.-J. Pohl Dependence of the Energy of the Resonance States of an Acceptor in Silicon on the Host Isotopic Mass// JETP Letters, (2009), V. 90 (6), P.455
  20. B.А. Andreev, А.А. Ezhevski, N.V. Abrosimov, P.G. Sennikov, H.-J. Pohl Isotopic effects in photoconductivity spectrum of impurities in silicon// Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter (2009).V.404. P.5057
  21. A.N. Yablonskiy, B.A. Andreev, D.I. Kryzhkov, L.V. Krasilnikova, V.P.Kuznetsov, Z.F. Krasilnik, Band-to-band and direct optical excitation of Er in silicon: Comparison of kinetics and temperature dependence of erbium PL //Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter (2009). V.404. P.4601
  22. B.A. Andreev, Z.F. Krasilnik, D.I. Kryzhkov, K.E. Kudryavtsev, V.P. Kuznetsov, The features of electro-optical memory effect for 1.54 micron electroluminescence of an Er doped Si diode // Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter (2009) V.404. P.4597
  23. A.N. Yablonskiy, B.A. Andreev, L.V. Krasilnikova, D.I. Kryzhkov, V.P. Kuznetsov, and Z.F. Krasilnik Specific Features of the Mechanisms of Excitation of Erbium Photoluminescence in Epitaxial Si: Er/Si Structures // Semiconductors, (2010)V. 44 (11). P.1472
  24. Yu.G. Sadofyev, N. Samal, B.A. Andreev, V.I. Gavrilenko, S.V. Morozov, A.G. Spivakov, and A.N. Yablonsky GaAsSb/GaAs Strained Structures with Quantum Wells for Lasers with Emission Wavelength near 1.3 μm Semiconductors // (2010). V. 44 (3), P. 405
  25. P. Sennikov, D. Pryakhin, B. Andreev, L. Gavrilenko, Yu. Drozdov, M. Drozdov, H.-J. Pohl, and V. Shashkin Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition of 99.95% 28Si in form of nano- and polycrystals using silicon tetrafluoride precursor // Crystal Research and Technology (2010) V.45 (9). P.983
  26. B.A. Andreev, Z.F. Krasilnik, D.I. Kryzhkov, V.P. Kuznetsov and A.N. Yablonskiy Determination of the Excitation Cross Section of Photoluminescencefrom an Er Ion in the Case of Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Optical Excitation // Semiconductors (2012), V. 46 (11), P.1372−1375
  27. B.A.Andreev, Z.F.Krasilnik, D.I. Kryzhkov, D.V.Shengurov, A.N.Yablonskiy Luminescent properties of MBE-grown Si: Er/SOI structures // Journal of Luminescence (2012). V.132. P.3148
  28. P.G.Sennikov, A.V.Vodopyanov, S.V.Golubev, D.A.Mansfeld, M. N. Drozdov, Yu.N.Drozdov, B.A.Andreev, L.V.Gavrilenko, D.A. Pryakhin, V.I.Shashkin, O.N.Godisov, A.I.Glasunov, A.Ju.Safonov, H.-J.Pohl, M.L.W.Thewalt, P. Becker, H. Riemann, N.V.Abrosimov, S. Valkiers Towards 0.99999 28Si // Solid state communications (2012) V.152 P. 455
  29. O.B. Gusev, A.V. Ershov, D.A. Grachev, B.A. Andreev, A.N. Yablonskiy Effect of surface Si-Si dimers on photoluminescence of silicon nanocrystals in silicon dioxide matrix // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, (2014) V.118 (5). P.728
  30. K.E.Kudryavtsev, D.I.Kryzhkov, L.V.Krasil'nikova, D.V.Shengurov, V.B.Shmagin, B.A.Andreev, and Z.F.Krasil'nik, Absorption Cross Section for the 4I15/2- 4I13/2 Transition of Er3+ in Si: Er:O/SOI Epitaxial Layers //JETP Letters (2014) V. 100 (12). P.807
  31. V.A. Ilichev, A.P. Pushkarev, R.V. Rumyantcev, A.N. Yablonskiy, T.V. Balashova, G.K. Fukin, D.F. Grishin, B.A. Andreev and M.N. Bochkarev Luminescent properties of 2-mercaptobenzothiazolates of trivalent lanthanides // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, (2015) V.17. P.11000
  32. N. Ermolaev, I. Lenin, G. Fukin, A. Shavyrin, M. Lopatin, O.V. Kuznetsova, B. Andreev, D. Kryzhkov, S. Ignatov, E. Chuhmanov, N. Berberova, K.Pashchenko. Tris (trifluoromethyl)germylethynyl Derivatives of Biphenyl and Anthracene: Synthesis, Structure, and Evidence of the Intramolecular Charge Transfer on the Germanium Center // Journal of Organometallic Chemistry (2015) V.797. P.83
  33. B.A. Andreev, A.N. Yablonskii, Z.F. Krasilnik, A.V. Ershov, D.A. Grachev, A.V. Gert, O.B. Gusev, I.N. Yassievich Exciton self-trapped on Si-Si-dimers on the surface of silicon nanocrystal: experimental evidence // Physica Status Solidi B, (2016) V.253 (11) P.2150
  34. T.V. Balashova, A.P. Pushkarev, A.N. Yablonskiy, B.A. Andreev, M.N. Bochkarev, Organic Er-Yb complexes as potential upconversion materials// Journal of Luminescence (2017) V.192, P.208
  35. P.A. Bushuykin, A.V. Novikov, B.A. Andreev, D.N. Lobanov, P.A. Yunin, E.V. Skorokhodov, L.V. Krasil’nikova, E.V. Demidov, G.M. Savchenko, and V.Yu. Davydov Specific Features of the Photoexcitation Spectra of Epitaxial InN Layers Grown by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy with the Plasma Activation of Nitrogen//Semiconductors, (2017) V. 51 (12), P. 1537
  36. A.P. Pushkarev, T.V. Balashova, A.A. Kukinov, M.V. Arsenyev, A.N. Yablonskiy, D.I. Kryzhkov, B.A. Andreev, R.V. Rumyantcev, G.K. Fukin, M.N. Bochkarev Sensitization of NIR luminescence of Yb3+ by Zn2+ chromophores in heterometallic complexes with a bridging Schiff-base ligand //Dalton Transaction (2017). V. 46. P.10408
  37. D.V. Yurasov, A.V. Antonov, M.N. Drozdov, P.A. Yunin, B.A. Andreev, P.A. Bushuykin, N.A. Baydakova, A.V. Novikov Structural and electrical properties of Ge-on-Si (001) layers with ultra heavy n-type doping grown by MBE // Journal of Crystal Growth (2018) V.491, P. 26
  38. P.A. Bushuykin, B.A. Andreev, V.Yu. Davydov, D.N. Lobanov, D.I. Kuritsyn, A.N.Yablonskiy, N.S. Averkiev, G.M. Savchenko, Z.F. Krasilnik New photoelectrical properties of InN: Interband spectra and fast kinetics of positive and negative photoconductivity of InN //Journal of Applied Physics (2018) V.123. P.195701
  39. B.A. Andreev, K.E. Kudryavtsev, A.N. Yablonskiy, D.N. Lobanov, P.A. Bushuykin, L.V. Krasilnikova, E.V. Skorokhodov, P.A. Yunin, A.V. Novikov, V. Yu Davydov, Z.F. Krasilnik Towards the indium nitride laser: obtaining infrared stimulated emission from planar monocrystalline InN structures // Scientific Reports (2018) V. 8 (1), P. 9454
  40. T.V. Balashova, M.E. Burin, V.A. Ilichev, A. A. Starikova, A.V. Marugin, R.V. Rumyantcev, G.K. Fukin, A.N. Yablonskiy, B.A. Andreev, M.N. Bochkarev Features of the Molecular Structure and Luminescence of Rare-Earth Metal Complexes with Perfluorinated (Benzothiazolyl)phenolate Ligands // Molecules (2019) V.24, P. 2376 https://orcid.org/0000−0002−5692−0418

Contact detail

Phone: +7 (831) 417-94-81
E-mail: boris@ipmras.ru
Scopus Author ID: 7006388343
ResearcherID: B-1182−2008

© 2000—2025, IPM RAS.
E-mail: director@ipmras.ru

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