IPM RAS / Structure / Staff / Baidakova Natalia

Baidakova Natalia


Acting junior research associate of the laboratory for the basics of the nanoelectronic component base of information technology (181)

Personal data

Born on 02 April, 1987 in Nizhniy Novgorod.

Research interests

Physics of semiconductors and semiconductor devices; luminescence spectroscopy; SiGe heterostructures.


  • 2004 — graduated from Lyceum № 82, Nizhni Novgorod
  • 2004−2010 — student of the Advanced School of General and Applied Physics (ASGAP), Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod (UNN)
  • 2010−2013 — PhD course of IPM RAS


  • 2008−2010 — engineer-researcher of IPM RAS, student of the interfaculty base chair «Physics of nanostructures and nanoelectronics»
  • 2008−present — junior research associate of IPM RAS


  1. Narrow photoluminescence peak from Ge (Si) islands embedded between tensile-strained Si layers / M. Shaleev, A. Novikov, N. Baydakova, A. Yablonskiy, O. Kuznetsov, Yu. Drozdov, D. Lobanov, and Z. Krasilnik, Phys. Status Solidi 8 (3), 1055 (2011)
  2. Photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy technique modified for studying structures with self-assembled Ge (Si)/Si (001) nanoislands / N. A. Baidakova, A. V. Novikov, D. N. Lobanov, A. N. Yablonsky, Technical Physics Letters, 38 (9), 828 ()
  3. Time-resolved photoluminescence from self-assembled Ge (Si) islands in multilayer SiGe/Si and SiGe/SOI structures / A. N. Yablonskiy, N. A. Baidakova, A. V. Novikov, D. N. Lobanov, Semiconductors, 47 (11), 1496 (2015)
  4. Electroluminescence of structures with self-assembled Ge (Si) nanoislands confined between strained Si layers / N. A. Baidakova, A. V. Novikov, M. V. Shaleev, D. V. Yurasov, E. E. Morozova, D. V. Shengurov, Z. F. Krasilnik, Semiconductors, 50 (12), 1657 (2016)
  5. Growth of light-emitting SiGe heterostructures on strained silicon-on-insulator substrates with a thin oxide layer N. A. Baidakova, A. I. Bobrov, M. N. DrozdovA. V. Novikov, D. A. Pavlov, M. V. Shaleev, P. A. Yunin, D. V. Yurasov, Z. F. Krasilnik, Semiconductors, 49 (8), 1104 (2015)
  6. Sn influence on MBE growth of GeSiSn/Si MQW / A. R. Tuktamyshev, V. A. Timofeev, A. I. Nikiforov, V. I. Mashanov, A. K. Gutakovskii and N. A. Baydakova, «", IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 816, 012020 (2017)
  7. Formation of black silicon using SiGe self-assembled islands as a mask for selective anisotropic etching of silicon / D.V. Yurasov, A.V. Novikov, M.V. Shaleev, N.A. Baidakova, E.E. Morozova, E.V. Skorokhodov, Y. Ota, A. Hombe, Y. Kurokawa, N. Usami, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 75, 143−148 (2018)
  8. Formation of light trapping structure using Ge islands grown by gas source molecular beam epitaxy as etching mask / Y. Ota, A. Hombe, R. Nezasa, D. Yurasov, A. Novikov, M. Shaleev, N. Baidakova, E. Morozova, Y. Kurokawa, N. Usami, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 57, 08RB04−4 (2018)
  9. Influence of thermal annealing on the electrical and luminescent properties of heavy Sb-doped Ge/Si (001) layers / D.V. Yurasov, A.V. Novikov, N.A. Baidakova, E.E. Morozova, P.A. Yunin, D.V. Shengurov, A.V. Antonov, M.N. Drozdov, Z.F. Krasilnik, Semiconductor Science and Technology 33 (12), 124019−8 (2018)

Contact detail

Phone: +7 (831) 417−94−82 +263
E-mail: banatale@ipmras.ru

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