IPM RAS / Structure / Staff / Ahsahalyan Aram

Ahsahalyan Aram

Senior research associate of the multilayer X-ray optics Department, PhD in Physics. State prize laureate (1991 г.)

Personal data

Born on 11 July, 1952 in Baku.

Research interests

the Deposition of thin films and multilayer structures.

Focus multilayer x-ray mirrors for hard range of lengths of waves (l=0.05 to 2.5 nm).


N. I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhniy Novgorod. Faculty of physics. Department of crystallography. 1969-1974.


  • 1974-1976-trainee researcher of the Institute of Experimental Mineralogy RAS, Moscow. Chernogolovka (growth of diamond crystals).
  • 1976-1979-engineer of the Institute of Chemistry RAS, Moscow. Mr.. Novgorod (spectrum analysis).
  • 1979-1993-engineer, junior research associate, research associate of the Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Moscow. Mr.. Novgorod (the study of the process of pulse laser deposition of films and multilayer structures).
  • From 1993-N.S., senior research associate of the Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS (focusing multilayer x-ray mirrors).
  • Published more than 100 scientific works.
  • the Head of the 3 projects of the RFBR (the participant of the 10 projects). Published more than 100 scientific works.


  • A.D. Akhsakhalyan, N. I. Chkhalo, A. I. Kharitonov. //Method of manufacturing of doubly bent X-ray optics// NIM. A470. 2001. P.142-144.
  • S.S. Andreev, A. D. Akhsakhalyan, M. S. Bibishkin, N. I. Chkhalo, S. V. Gaponov, S. A. Gusev, E. B. Kluenkov, K. A. Prokhorov, N. N. Salashchenko, F. Schafers, S. Yu. Zuev. //Multilayer optics for XUV spectral region: technology it and applications// Central European Journal of Physics. CEJP 1 (2003). P. 191-209.
  • A.A. Akhsakhalyan, A. D. Akhsakhalyan, A. I. Kharitonov, E. B. Kluenkov, V. A. Murav'ev, N. N. Salashchenko // Multilayer Mirror Systems to Form Hard X-ray Beams// Central European Journal of Physics. CEJP. 3 (2). 2005. P. 163-177.
  • A.A. Akhsakhalyan, A. D. Akhsakhalyan, A. I. Kharitonov, E. B. Kluenkov, V. A. Murav'ev, N. N. Salashchenko// Quadroelliptical Reflector Based on Multilayer Strutures for the Hard X-Ray Range// Tion. The instr. and Meth. A543. 2005. P.346-349.
  • Contact detail

    Phone: +7 (831) 417-94-76 +120

    E-mail: akh@ipmras.ru

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